Chapter 1: Introductions (Part 1)

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((Y/N) POV)

I was swinging around, doing my normal patrolling of new York. But as I was about to head back, I found shocker robbing a bank.

(Y/N): yes! Finally something! I was getting bored!

I shot a web from my wrist, colliding with shocker and sticking him on to the bank wall. I land on the groundand walk up to shocker, still trapped on the wall from my spider webs.

(Y/N): come on shocker, how many times we have done this dance?

Shocker: about 10, but one us will get you and when we do. Will make sure this-.

Before he could finished, I interrupt him.

(Y/N): ugh, chit chat.

Shocker: sure this-.

(Y/N): chity chit chat.

Shcoker:...sure this-.

(Y/N): chity chity chat chat chat chat chat.

Shocker:..........sure this-.

(Y/N): chit chat! You villains take soong to monologue, so why don't we get this over with and-.

Before I could finish, I got punched and sent back as i use my spider-suits legs to catch me.

(Y/N): Hey! NO fair!

Shocker was out of my web.

Shocker: like you said, you take too long to monologue.

(Y/N): don't we all?

A fight enused between me and Shocker, with my web shooters occasionally switching between electric and ice webs. But Suddenly, when I landed on the side of a building, this....weird portal appeared and sucked me in! I was glitching and was going who knows where as I landed in new York, but it wasn't my new York. Somethings looked the same, but somethings were different. As I got my composure, I looked around until I found a familiar house.

(Y/N): *thoughts* is that...aunt mays house? *glitches* ow! What the heck is happening to me...

As I was swinging and approached the house, I kept glitching until I finally rung the doorbell, and promptly fainted.

(2 hours later)

I open my eyes as my vision was slowly regaining back.

(Y/N): ugh, my head...what even happened?

I finally regained my vision as a black and white looking Spiderman in a noir outfit was infront of me.

Spider-noir: oh good, your finally awake.

My eyes widen at the black and white Spiderman.

(Y/N): Wait, another spider man!

Peni parker: make that 2.

Spider-ham: and 3.

I noticed a Japanese looking girl and anthropomorphic pig in a spider man costume next to the black and white Spiderman.

Spider-noir: what are you doing here?! What are your motives?! Explaaaaaaaiiiinnnnnn!

Spider-ham: what he's trying to say may found you on the doorsteps of May's house, so where are you from?,

(Y/N): well, if I had to take a guess. Since you three are not from here, I'm from another dimension I would say.

Spider-noir: so how do you know that you're in another dimension?

(Y/N): well, the aunt may in my dimension is hospitalized, so it's not that hard to say I'm in another dimension. Also, being that I'm in front of two other people that also have spider sense.

Peni parker: then how do you know that this is May's house?!

(Y/N): well, along time ago, when I was 8 years old. I used to visit aunt mays house, which is coincidentally the same as this house.

Spider-ham: well, since you answered our questions, let us introduce ourselves! My name is Peter porker or you can call me spider-ham!

Spider-noir: My name is spider-noir, nice to be your acquaintance.

(Y/N): wow, didn't expect that coming...

Peni: my name is peni paker! Nice to meet you!

(Y/N): nice to meet you coin!

Peni: wat?!

(Y/N): well basically, *points to Spider-ham* bacon, *points to Spider-noir* 1933, *points to peni* and you are coin.

Spider-ham: okay, so you gave us weird nicknames while peni gets coin?!

(Y/N): well, yeah. Cause your a pig, no offense, noir looks all black and white, peni name sounds like Penny, yannow, like a coin. Would you like it if I or another spider man from another dimension got a weird nick name.


(Y/N): so, what happens now?

Noir: well, what happens next is-.

Before noir could replie, a big boom could be heard from outside.

Noir: that.

(Y/N):....whoever came here is probably going to meet up with us huh?

Peni parker: that's why we are going to wait.

(Y/N): -_- wow...amazing.

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