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"Donghyuck hyung was cheating, I know it." Chenle said as he stirred the food in the pan. He had lost 10 minutes ago and was still cooking the meal with Jisung beside him, watching. Jisung took a small piece of the food, putting it instantly in his mouth. He then held up his finger to his mouth.

"Shhhh." They giggled at that, Chenle turned the stove off. Plating the food and walking out with Jisung right behind him. They stopped at the frame of the kitchen door, looking at the living room in confusion.

"What the hell..." Chenle placed the plate down on the counter, walking out into what used to be where his living room was. He looked at the empty room, scanning the area.

It was a fully walled room, only one door in the other corner while a staircase leading up was in the next. The walls were a nasty shade of yellow, some parts of the carpeted floor had brown stains. The only light emitted was the one in the kitchen. The stairs had no light, not even towards the top. Chenle walked over to the door and opened it, he saw a bathroom.

Jisung had stayed near the kitchen door, not wanting to follow Chenle who went to check the other room. He stole another piece of meat off the plate once seeing Chenle come back from the now known bathroom.

"So?" Jisung asked, they furthered themselves into the kitchen towards the sink where they sat on the counter, wanting to be as far away from the unknown room as possible. "What should we do?" Jisung asked, eating more from the plate. They decided on just eating the food seeing as the person it was for wasn't there anymore. Chenle shrugged, reaching into his pocket for his phone. He pressed the on button but was only met with a black screen. He pressed it again but was met with the same black screen. He inspected the phone closely.

"I swear it was charged, it had like 88% left. Why is it dead now?" Jisung shrugged, eating the last piece of meat from the plate. He then placed the plate inside the sink. He made himself comfortable and looked over at Chenle who was still trying to turn his phone on.

Jisung was hit with a strong urge to use the bathroom, he hopped off the counter, confusing Chenle. He made a sign for the bathroom and Chenle nodded understanding. As Jisung walked away, Chenle was left alone.

"C'mon you stupid phone, I know you're not dead. I was literally using you before I started cooking." He hit the phone a couple times, thinking that would change anything but was met with the same end. He sighed a heavy sigh, placing the phone down and crossing his arms. He looked out to the doorway, waiting for Jisung to come back from relieving himself.

Swish swish
The sound of water splashing was heard as Jisung washed his hands. He took a look around the bathroom. It had a bathtub, a toilet and a sink, while also having a small closet for bathroom accessories. Jisung opted out on opening the closet, not quite brave enough to open it by himself. He pushed open the door to finally leave but stopped when seeing something staring directly at him. It was standing on the stairs, giving Jisung a creepy smile. Jisung wanted to yell for Chenle but was scared that it'll get Chenle if he was to walk out the kitchen door. So he stood there staring back at the thing as it kept staring at him.

Suddenly it jumped, running straight towards the bathroom. Jisung slammed the door shut, pushing his body weight against it. Hoping he had enough strength to keep the thing from coming inside. It kept banging on the door, with each bang Jisung's body jolted. It hit hard, he was surprised the door hadn't broken yet.

He stayed rooted to the door, even when the banging suddenly stopped. He pressed his ear against the door and jumped when he heard a blood curdling scream coming from somewhere not too far from him. His mind was only on Chenle as the scream suddenly stopped. A couple of tears started forcing their way out, he covered his mouth as a sob came out. He grabbed his hair slightly yanking it as he cried into his hand.


The banging came again, but was slightly less violent than the last time. Jisung kept his body on the door, not wanting to be next to whatever it did to his dear bestfriend. He covered his ears when he heard weird noises coming from the outside.

"SHUT UP!!" Jisung yelled out, his crying didn't stop and neither did the noise. The door handle suddenly started shaking, Jisung held onto it, not wanting for it to somehow get in. The door was smashed open and Jisung was thrown back onto the floor. He quickly got himself up, pushing himself into the corner of the room, covering his ears and shutting his eyes tightly. The crying got louder as he felt a presence near him.

Park Jisung!" his shoulders were shaken but he kept his eyes shut and his ears covered. Not wanting to see or hear anything. "Yah! Park Jisung! Get up!" Jisung shook his head violently. His hands were violently ripped from his ears, letting him finally be able to hear the thing that was calling him.

"Yah! Park Jisung, what the hell happened." Jisung opened his eyes fast, staring directly into the eyes of his best friend who was giving him a worried look. Jisung started crying again, pushing himself up to hug the older tightly. Chenle hugged back but was extremely confused. He helped the boy get up and they made their way back to the kitchen.

Chenle watched as Jisung finally calmed down from his crying session. He was left trying to get his breathing to a steady pace. Chenle had his hand on Jisung's back, rubbing comforting circles.

"Are you okay now?" Chenle asked him, Jisung slowly nodded his head. His breathing finally became normal. He wiped away his tears, grabbing a tissue to blow his nose.

"You were in the for awhile, I thought you just had to take a shit." Chenle said with a small chuckle, Jisung also laughed at that. Throwing the tissue away in the trash can. He sat back down on the counter, crossing his legs, sitting right next to Chenle who waited for him to say something.

"I-" Jisung gulped, remembering the thing he saw. He closed his eyes, some tears falling out. He breathed in and out. "Take your time." Jisung heard Chenle say. Jisung took deep breaths, trying to calm down his heart.

"There was something.....on the stairs. It was staring at me when I opened the door...." Jisung wiped away his tears, continuing. "It was just standing there and then it ran to me..... I closed the door just in time but it kept banging and banging." Jisung choked up remembering how intense it felt. "Then all of a sudden I heard a scream and it sounded just like you-" Jisung couldn't stop the tears then felt out. "I was so scared, I thought something had happened to you but then you suddenly showed up-.......It felt so real...." Jisung ended his sentence with a cry. Chenle offered a hug in which Jisung didn't refuse. They stayed glued to each other as time went by. Not wanting to separate again.

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