Chapter 81

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get ready.


Louis' POV

I didn't know what to do.

The last thing I knew, Harry and I were in the kitchen, then he was by the door, and then he was leaving and I didn't know what was going on.

The words were caught in my throat and I couldn't say or do anything as I watched him leave.

I was frozen.

"Call me when you decide I'm worth more than your fame." He said, and then, he was gone.

Then, the hard wall of emotion hit me, overwhelming me as I went to the couch and curled up under a blanket, letting the tears and screams consume me.

I cried until my throat was hoarse, and I couldn't cry anymore.

All I wanted was for him to come back so we could talk about it. We had never fought this badly before, usually we could just talk about it and sort it out, but this time something was different.

It wasn't something that we could just 'fix', it was deeper than just talking it out and I had no idea how to even go about beginning the process.

I closed my eyes, his broken expression filling my mind as I remembered what he said to me.

You're the one who's not stopping me. Why didn't I stop him?

I squeezed my eyes closed, the pain overwhelming me as I drifted into a restless sleep.


2 weeks later and it was Charl's wedding day.

My suit was in the pack on the back of the door and most of my hair and make-up was done. Yes, I had to wear light make up because there would be paparazzi everywhere and I really wasn't looking my best lately.

But before I got to go to the wedding, I had to do a quick radio interview, considering I hadn't had any public appearances since the premier.

I still hadn't heard from Harry. I know he said I was supposed to call him, but I hadn't. I didn't know what to say to him, so I'd just avoided it.

I stretched my arms above my head as the TV show I was watched had finished. I slowly got up and went to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge before siting up on the bench.

I took a sip and took my phone off the charger, quickly checking twitter.

#WheresLou was trending.

I frowned as I clicked on it and scrolled through some tweets. They were about me and how I hadn't been spotted since the movie premier.

It was true, I hadn't been out and about since then, mainly because I didn't really feel like it.

Some people were worried about me, some people were guessing where I was and what I was doing, some people, of course, were happy that I'd 'disappeared' and some people were just plain rude.

But I didn't really care.

So I shut off the app, right as I got a text from Liam, who was going to come over to pick me and up and take me to my radio interview before we headed to the wedding together.

I'm coming over, open the door

I thought about protesting, but knew it was no use with him.


I asked him and he texted back nearly straight away.


So I sighed and jumped off the bench, walking to the front door. I swung it open and Liam was standing there, a disappointed look on his face.

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