Chapter 21

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Harry's POV

I closed my eyes as I let the warm, shower water run over my body.

It was so nice and relaxing, a welcome change after my hectic life recently.

Everything was going so well, then it was turned upside down by one Louis Tomlinson.

I sighed, mentally preparing myself for work today.

Who knows what kind of shit he could throw at me on set today.

He makes my life so difficult and I don't know why. It's like he has a personal vendetta against me.

Well, at least I have Luke. He is the one normal thing in my life and he's keeping me grounded.

I smiled as I rinsed the soap from my body and thought about him.

It had been three days since the dinner with him, Cal and Ashton, and we hadn't stopped texting.

After I kissed him on the couch, he kissed me goodnight and I haven't been able to stop thinking of him since.

He's perfect for me. He's nice and respectful and he likes me for me.

He sends me the cutest messages and he always makes me smile.

I felt the water starting to get colder, signalling I should get out of the shower.

If I didn't hurry up, Will was going to start pounding on the door, complaining I'd used all the hot water.

I turned the water off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around my waist.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I had been quite pale and had bags under my eyes for the past few months, ever since I broke up with Andy, but lately, I had been looking better.

I had more colour in my face and looked less tired, some of the fight coming back into my eyes.

I guessed I owed it all to my new friends. They had been picking me up recently, helping me get my life back on track.

I quickly dried my hair with a towel and left the room, emerging into my bedroom.

I got dressed and checked my phone to see a message from Luke.

I smiled before opening it.

good morning, Harry.
have a great day at work,
I'll be thinking of you xx

I bit my lip as I flopped backwards onto my bed, trying to contain my excitement.

He was just so great. So incredibly great and I didn't know what I did do deserve him.

I laid there for a minute, clutching the phone to my chest before I realised I should reply.

good morning to you too :) you have a great day too and I'll try to concentrate on work, but I can't guarantee it with you on my mind xx

I checked it and reworded it 5 times before I sent it, wanting it to sound right and not too weird.

I pocketed the phone and headed out to the lounge to see Will and Jack eating cereal on the couch while watching Adventure Time.

We're oh so mature.

I smiled at the sight of Will in his onesie and moved into the kitchen to get my own breakfast.

I grabbed a banana and went to sit on the couch with my roommates.

Just as I sat, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

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