Chapter 1

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Elsa's POV:
"Wake up elsa" I heard a shout come from downstairs. "You will miss breakfast, I made chocolate waffles" at that I shot up got dressed and zipped downstairs. (A/N: by zipped I mean super speed) When I got down I heard Anna laugh and I saw standing there other phone talking to Kristoff and I smiled. Anna saw me standing there and said "I know that would wake you up, here you go" as she handed me the waffles. I laughed "yep" I said. "are you ready to go to school" I asked as I finished my waffles. "Yep" She said as the two of us headed out the door and through the forest to school. Me and Anna lived in a house in the forest.

When we got to school we met with our group. Which consists of Me, Anna, Kristoff, Punzie, Eugene, Hiccup & Merida. Suddenly a boy I have never seen before walks in with a couple of others. He has silvery, white hair and enchanting cyan eyes. I knew the others as the guardians (they call themselves that) which consists of North, Tooth, Sandy and Bunny. They got their names from their clothes and personalities.

This new kid looked interesting. He wore a white top covered by a blue hoodie and he wore long brown pants. Suddenly the group walked past ours and the guy smiled at me but I ignored him and entered my locker than went to class with our group. When we got to class we all sat down and suddenly the new guy rushed in and sat down next to me cause it was the only spare seat left. Then the teacher walked in and told us that we had to get too know the person next to us. Some people groaned and others cheered. "Well you could do work instead" she said. Everyone immediately stop complaining and turned to their partners. I turned to the guy and I asked him to tell me about himself.
Jack's POV:
I rushed into class just before the teacher and then she said that we had to get to know our partners. I was staring of into space when I heard her say "tell me about yourself". I snapped out of it and replied "my name is Jack Frost, I am 17, my favourite colour is blue, my favourite animals are wolves and winter is my favourite season". "what about you" I asked. "My name is Elsa Arendelle, I am 17, my favourite colour is blue, my favourite animals are wolves and winter is also my favourite season". "Are you copying me" I asked. "No" she snapped.

"Okay, hey maybe we could be friends, cause I hate hanging out with the guardians. They see so controlling and bunny is really getting on my nerves, he went to my old school and then moved here and now I have to move here too" I said to her. "Sure, you can join our group. It is me, my little sister Anna, her boyfriend Kristoff, Rapunzel or Punzie, Flynn, Merida, hiccup and now you" she said.

*Time Skip to lunch*
At lunch we were
All sitting together at a table when suddenly a high pitched noise rang out. Elsa and Anna covered their ears in pain and I flinched. "what was that" Elsa asked when it ended. "dog whistle, bunny likes using it to torment me cause I have sensitive hearing, you to ha (pointing to Elsa and Anna)" I said.
"Yeah"she replied.

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