Chapter 1

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"You deserve that too."

Author pov

It was an ordinary sunny day and Li ming had decided to take Heart to the mall. They walked in proudly holding hands and immediately heading to the ice cream shop. "I'll take a vanilla with Carmel sundae and..." Li ming turned to look over at Heart "What would you like?" he signed.

"A strawberry milkshake" Heart signed back.
"And a strawberry milkshake." Li ming said to the cashier. The cashier gave a confused look before handing them their ice cream and change.

That look did not go unnoticed by Heart... Even though he was somewhat used to this type of behavior, it still hurt him. After they found a table to eat their ice cream the incident from earlier still wandered in Heart's mind. He never understood how people could be judgemental just because he was different.

He decided to distract himself from the past event by going on his phone. He opened TikTok and to his surprise the first thing he saw was a video of a couple doing karaoke together. Deep down he knew he envied them. Li ming would sometimes talk about singing in a band someday. And Heart would give anything just to be able to hear his voice.

Without being aware, Heart was wearing a troubled look while watching the video. Li ming noticed and tapped his shoulder. "Are you okay?" he signed. Heart sighed before answering, "Do you think it's troublesome dating me?" he asked.

'What why would you say that I love being with you." questioned Li ming. "It's just that we can't speak to each other like other couples. There's so many things we can't do together like karaoke. " Heart signed. "But we don't need to do that stuff, and there's many other couples in the world that are like us-" Li ming said. "Look around were different I'M different." Heart interrupted. "Almost everyone in this mall can talk to their partner without using note pads don't you think you deserve that too?"

"Look maybe we should call it a day it is getting a little late." Li ming said. Heart agreed and they both exited the mall. Li ming drove Heart home on his motorbike. When they arrived at Heart's house Li ming kissed him on the cheek and said he was sorry for today.
The rest of the day consisted of Heart laying in bed and watching western movies.

A/N: Omg this is my first fanfic so I'm very excited to write it. I got the idea to make this story after seeing so many edits of limingheart and tinngun. Plz follow me on TikTok @Soobinrela 🙏

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