Chapter 3

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"I can't believe it worked 😱"

Author pov

"Tinn wake up you're going to be late for school!"

Heart woke up to the sound of a unknown women yelling from downstairs. WAIT A SOUND??? He thought. When he realized what it meant his eyes went wide and he immediately sat up.

"How is this possible??" He said while looking around the room. He immediately noticed that everything was different. His bed that was originally a sky blue was now completely grey. From his room layout to his door everything looked different from before. As he was about to check his phone a warp of blue smoke started to appear in front of him, along with a woosh sound. There was so much of it that he couldn't see. When it finally started to go away Heart slowly opened his eyes.

"Hello I'm star!!" said a odd looking creature with wings.

"AGHHHH" Heart screamed.

"Tinn is everything okay?" the women asked from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm fine" he yelled back. "Why does she called me that name?" He wondered.

"You what are you??" Heart questioned to the mystery creature.

"I'm star I'm basically your guardian. "What!!?" Heart questioned.

"Do you remember that shooting star you wished on the other day... Well that was me. I could tell much you really wanted your wish to come true so I granted it."

"So this world and the fact that I can hear.... Is because of you?" Heart asked star

"Yup, and before you get on with your day there's some things I need to tell you about this world. So in the world your name is Tinn and that women downstairs is your mother. She's the principle of the school you go to. And that boy you mentioned in your wish... Li ming. He goes by the name Gun here, he also goes to your school."

"That's great that means we'll finally get to be together without being judged!. Heart said with a wide smile.

"But there is one important thing you need to know, you and Li ming haven't met yet in this world. And if you can't make him fall in love with you in 30 days then I must reverse the wish."

"WHAT? 30 days that's not enough time at all. Are you crazy?!!" Heart exclaimed.

"I'm sorry but thats the rule." Star said

"Tinn who are you talking to up there?" His mother yelled as her footsteps got closer and closer.

"I must go please remember what I told you!!" Star said while disappearing.

"WAIT"  Heart shouted

Just then his mother walked into the room.

"Oh my gosh Tinn what have you been doing this whole time!! Hurry up and get dressed I'll wait for you in the car. His mom said while hurrying down stairs.

-------------------- Time skip---------------------

At the school entrance

Tinn (because he is now in the new world I will be calling him Tinn from now on) and his mom make their way into the school. When he walks in he sees a whole bunch of students roaming the halls. He was about to ask him mom something when a boy his age came up to them.

"Hi Tinn!! Swadeekap Mrs. Photjanee 🙏"

"Swadeekap Thiu " Tinn's mother said.

"Do you mind if my steal Tinn??"

"That's fine I was just about to go to my office."
Tinn's mom says before walking away.

"Oh my gosh Tinn where have you been you didn't answer my texts last night?" Thiuson asked.

"Oh uh sorry, I fell asleep early last night." Tinn says.

He was wondering who this boy was standing in front of him.

"It's fine anyways, I texted you to tell you that the student body is opening a president position. Basically anybody can audition to be the School president."

"Oh well that sounds cool." Tinn says

"Yeah I think you should try out."

"Oh I don't know ab-"

"Hey you got to raise the poster higher so that more people can see it." A random voice said to another just down the hall from Tinn and Thiuson.

Tinn instantly recognized the familiar voice and followed it.

"Hey where are you going?" Thiuson asked as he followed behind Tinn.

When Tinn finally turned the corner of the hallway he saw who the voice belonged to. His eyes widened.

"LI MING" Tinn said while running towards the person he had been longing to see.

Gun raised his head from the poster he was hanging up (with his friend Win)

"Uh hi?? Do I know you?" Gun asked

Tinn furrowed his eyebrows and then suddenly remembered what star had told him.


"You and Li ming haven't met yet in this world and his name here is Gun" said Star.

*Back to present time*

"Uh sorry Gun ignore my friend. He's been acting a little weird lately. Thiuson said while pulling Tinn away from Gun.

"It's fine" Gun took one last look at Tinn before he turned back to his friend Win, and continued with his poster hanging.

A/N : Sorry I haven't updated in a while 😞 I've been a little confused on how to continue the story. If you ever have any suggestions please lmk. Also if you where wondering what Star looks like here's an inspo pic of her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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