5th Chapter ~ MORE JOSEPH SUGG

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Chloe's POV

" Psst Psst ". Joe poked my cheeks and I just slapped his hands away " Chloebo ". Joe didn't stop poking my and I just groaned. " Go back to sleep, Joseph ". Yep, he still does it and I'm pretty sure that he's not gonna stop till he gets what he wants. " What do you want, Joe?! ". I groaned not moving a muscle and not even opening my eyes. " I'm really hungry and I want to get to the hot tub! ". Joe started shaking me and I just groaned.

" But it's too early for hot tub! ". I groaned and hid my head under the pillow. " Please Chloe! ". Joe kept on shaking me " Ugh just go back to sleep. The sun is not even out yet! ". I groaned " C'mon Chlo Chlo, Please ". He begged still shaking me " I'm tired Joe, just go back to sleep ". I groaned " I'll wiggle my willy in your face if you're not gonna get up in 10...9...8.. ". Joe said and I immediately shot my eyes open and sat up.

" I'm up, I'm up ". I told him and he just chuckled. He carried me bridal style which really surprised me 'coz I'm quite heavy :/ " I'll just carry you 'coz you're tired and I'm trying to be nice so you'll cook me some yummy breakfast ". Joe said we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Joe put me down and I rubbed my eyes and did a little yawn. I grabbed the pancake mix in my cabinet and a bowl. " Yes! you're making pancakes! ". Joe cheered. I wonder why he's so cheery this morning. Joe is not a morning person and I am so confused right now. Meh, maybe he's excited for the hot tub. " Oh baby this is not an illusion ". He sang as he watch me making pancakes. I'm not complaining because he sings really good, not gonna lie.

" What drink do you want? ". I asked him " Just water ". I nodded I got two plates and put 2 pancakes each. I poured syrup on both of our pancakes, put on a bit of butter on top, and put some strawberries. " Can you get some water from the fridge? ". I asked Joe and he happily nodded

I carried our pancakes to the table and sat, Joe sat beside me and he happily ate his breakfast. I'm still confused right now, Why is Joe acting all happy and cheery and excited? This is a very weird morning... and the sun's not even out yet. " What? Is there something in my face? ". I didn't even realized that I was staring at his face. AWKWARD :/

" Oh no, I'm ... Sorry ". I told him and just continued eating my pancakes. " What's wrong? You look bothered ". Joe told me " Nothing, I'm just thinking? ". I told him and drank some water " What're ya thinking? Is it about me? ". Joe said with a cheeky grin and I just rolled my eyes at him. " Why are you so cheerful this early morning? You're not a morning person! ". I exclaimed.

He just chuckled " What's wrong with being cheerful? I'm just happy 'coz I can hang out with you again ". Joe smiled and took a bite of his pancake, I raised my eyebrow at him " It's true! I'm just so happy that we could hang out again just like old times, just the two of us ". He said.

I started shaking his shoulder really hard " WHO ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU IN JOE'S BODY?! BRING HIM BACK! JUST LEAVE HIS BODY! ". I yelled at him and he covered his ears laughing. Omg, now he turned mental.

" Chloe it's me! There's no demon inside me, Geez ". Well, that's embarrassing " I'm also being serious here, I'm so happy that we're together again because you have no idea how much I miss you ". Joe said smiling at me, I just laughed at him " Now you're being all mushy. Okay, cut the crap. What do you want?! ". I asked him and he laughed " You really know me. Can we please go to the hot tub now? ". He asked me and I rolled my eyes. Of fucking course.


" Why don't we get a pet together? ". Joe suggested and I shook my head " No ". i told him " But why? ". He asked " Because people will find out that we're secret buddies! ". Joe shook his head this time " No they won't, they won't ". I laughed at him, idk why. " Ok, but where are we gonna keep him? Yours or mine? ". I asked him " Yours, so you won't be alone and sad! ". he exclaimed and I just laughed at him.

" Ooh! That's a great idea. What animal do you want? ". I asked him " A pug! ". I gasp " But I thought we agreed to get a cat! ". I pouted and he just laughed " Why not have both?! ". Joe exclaimed and I grinned " But what if they hate each other? ". I asked him " They'll secretly love each other just like us ". He smirked and I just smiled. " When are we gonna get those pets? ". Joe asked " After we go to LA ". I told him and he nodded.

We are just chilling and chatting at the hut tub and just enjoying the beautiful sunrise. Me and Joe took a picture of it and posted it on instagram.

Joe's POV

Me and Chloe are just chilling in the hot tub and enjoying the sunrise. This is the best morning ever! It's not because of the hot tub or the sunrise or the amazing pancakes, It's because of Chloe.

Yup, I still fancy her for all those years. My phone started to ring. I wiped my hands and answered the call, It's Caspar.

(Joe Caspar)

Hey Man! What's up?

I looked at Chloe and she told me to put it on speaker so she could listen,Nosy. But I did anyway.

I just landed here at South Africa


I hear water in the background, like bubbling water. Where are you?

I panicked not knowing what to say. Then, I remembered that Zoe has a hot tub too!

I'm here at Zalfie's house in their hot tub.

You left Emma alone?!

I rolled my eyes even tho he can't see me.

It's just a doll Caspar.

Yeah, but she's still our daughter,man.

Have you lost your senses Casp? Hahaha Don't worry I'll be back home later.

Ok, Have fun man.

You too. Bye

*call ended*

" Awww my poor Jaspar heart! ". Chloe said and I just chuckled at her. " You're such a fangirl, Chlo ". She just laughed " Yes, Yes I am ". She said attempting to do a Phineas impression but failing " Omg that's so bad ".

" Well why don't you try Mr. Good-at-impressions ". She looked annoyed and I just smirked " Hey Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today! ". I attempted but I failed. Wow, I'm bad at doing an impression of Phineas. I salute whoever voices phineas . Jk

She just laughed and I grinned. Man, I love seeing her happy .

" We should do this more often. We should hangout more. Oh! We can even put on disguises when we go to public! OMG IT'S LIKE WE'RE UNDERCIGER AGENTS! ". I exclaimed excitedly and Chloe just laughed.

She's too cute. Im gonna die



Hi Guys! Sorry if it's short.

Did you guys enjoyed it?

I'll update the next chapter tomorrow. Byeeee!

~IG xoxo

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