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Hey! Welcome to part 4. I hope you enjoy this part. I will try to make it enjoyable, but I'm running out of inspo. Wish me luck!

⚠️Strong language⚠️


3rd person (Law and Luffy)

Faster and faster Law went with Luffy in his arms. The only thing that was on his mind was to heal Luffy as fast as he could. From first glance, you could already tell that Luffy was badly hurt, but if you looked at him closely, you could see that he had been abused and tormented the entire time he was in his cell.

*No one was there to help him...I kind of feel bad. He's all bruised and I'm assuming he has at least 6 broken ribs along with a broken arm, leg, and a foot.* Without thinking of the possibilities of what could have happened to the boy, Law continued running.

Luffy, only being half awake because of how tired he was, wanted to tell Law that he could run on his own, but he still couldn't muster up the strength to do so. Instead, he ended up hurting himself even more.

*Ouch...everywhere on my body aches. Those stupid guards! If only they didn't.......didn't.......* Overcome with exhaustion, Luffy fell into a deep sleep in Law's arms.

"Great, now he's asleep. The next time he wakes up, he'll be screaming for meat." Law sighed.


3rd person POV (Zoro)

Zoro stopped running. He blinked once, then twice.

"Wait a minute.....where did Law go? Don't tell me he fucking abandoned me...that bastard." He sat there for a moment, thinking about what could've possibly happened to Law.

*Where the hell did he go? He can't have just disappeared right in front of my face. He was running in front of me then the next thing I know, he's gone.*

After deciding to just let it go, Zoro kept on running in hopes of eventually bumping in to Law.


3rd person POV (Law and Luffy)

After being chased by a couple of guards, Law, who was holding Luffy,  hid in a small room that contained food. Law knew that the chances of Luffy waking up to the smell of food was high, but he didn't really care. Law had to help him, he was in critical condition and Law couldn't ignore a patient that desperately needed his help.

*Oh come on. He has to wake up now?! I still have to heal him!* Law groaned as the younger slowly wakes up from his nap. Luffy scans the room and sees towers and towers of food.

*Oh god, he's gonna go on a rampage. It's going to be a hot wreck in here once Luffy devours everything.*

To Laws shock, Luffy didn't seem interested in the food. At all. There was probably every kind of meat in the room but Luffy took no interest. However, even from his nap, he still looked a little drained. Not to mention the amount of bones he broke could have an effect to Luffy's appetite.

"Wait. Do you not want any meat Luffy? Do you want anything to eat at all?" Law asked, turning to face Luffy.

Unable to speak, Luffy could only shake his head in agreement.

"A-are you sure? This is literally your favorite food and it's all stacked up in this room, just waiting to be eaten."

Once again, Luffy shook his head, agreeing to Law. That was something Law would have least expected.

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