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Hey guys! Sorry that this one took so long 😭
School just started and it's getting harder to make these, but I'll try my best! Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

⚠️Strong language⚠️


3rd person POV ( The Straw Hat Pirates and Law)

As soon as the crew had heard the words 'Stab' and 'Luffy', they had gone completely feral.

"Wait hold on, she tried to STAB Luffy?!" Usopp exclaimed, completely waking up from the tired phase that he was in.

Zoro nodded his head and turned to the others. "Yes all of it is true. Just promise me that you all won't do anything unnecessary while we still have this under way."

The others nodded their heads, none of them dared to speak after Zoros announcement.

After a bit, Nami decided to speak up.

"H-Hey, so Robin tried stabbing Luffy? Are you sure this isn't some sort of misunderstanding?"

"Well, for starters, we do know that that clearly wasn't Robin. She was acting really weirdly beforehand and that's more than enough evidence to prove that she hasn't been herself." Zoro said, still holding a sleeping Luffy in his arms.

"Wait so you're just going to leave all of us to fix this fucking situation? You realize we're not even part of this! You're the one who's supposed to be dealing with this, not us." Nami barked, placing her hands on her hips and glaring at Zoro.

The swordsman didn't even look back as he nodded and continued walking down to his room.

"Ugh, how IGNORANT. Why does he think that we get to clean up after his dirty work?! Why can't he just do this by himself? I can't stand that stupid mosshead!" Nami angrily stamped her feet on the floor, making the others step away.

"Look Nami-San, that stupid good-for-nothing loser doesn't know shit about what he's talking about. Just don't let his words get to your brain. I'm sure you can out him somehow." Sanji suggested, rubbing her shoulders in a soothing, circular motion. She brushed his hands off her shoulder, still glaring in the direction Zoro started walking in.

"I know. I'll make him so sad that he'll come begging to us for help. Except that he won't be recieving help." She expressed a wide smile, one that stretched from ear to ear. She was definitely plotting something horrible, worse than any of them could have thought.

"I'm gonna make him cry out in pain, asking me to help him. In order to do that, I need to lower his confidence by getting rid of something he loves. Oh, I know; how about I... kill Luffy."


3rd person POV (Zoro and Luffy)

As Zoro kept walking down the path, he finally found the door that lead into his shared room with his captain. He opened the door and then closed it behind him, setting down Luffy on the bed and making sure that he was comfortable. Then, he got dressed, did his night routine, and then crawled into bed next to Luffy. He snuggled the younger boy and ruffled his hair gently, still making sure that he didn't wake him. Then, after a couple of minutes, he finally fell asleep, his captain secured tightly in his arms.

Later that night, their door creaked open slightly and a dark figure creeped in, holding a shimmering object in their hand. As they got closer to the bed, the more that it became clear that their target was Luffy. They got closer, then raised the large, sharp knife and chuckled.

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