Philomath | Chapter 2

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Weeks passed by, and it was time for Rosalina to head off to College. "Promise me you'll talk to me when you can." You pleaded to her, "I want to know you get there safely.". Rosa laughed slightly. "Of course, I will; I'll make sure you talk to you guys occasionally." She hugged you, Peach, and Daisy last minute before getting into the car. "Bye! You guys be safe, don't do anything stupid!" Rosa teased, waving after blowing a kiss as the car drove off. "Bye, Rosa!" The three of you call out, waving to her. You sigh; Peach puts her hand on your shoulder. "It'll be okay; she'll visit on holidays." She tried comforting you, "Yeah, and you'll learn to be more independent." Daisy pointed out. Peach gave her a look and grunted. "You're both right; I'm not a little girl anymore; I have to think for myself more." You gave a fake reassuring smile. You believed they were right, and you must stop asking your sister for everything. It was easier said than done, and you acknowledged that. You didn't like the thought of actually doing it, but you had to. Stepping out of your comfort zone is definitely not everyone's cup of tea. But when you depend on someone so much it can affect their life, you are bound to a bad fate. Were you really living if you were living off of your sister's advice and thoughts?


A few days after your sister left for college, you sat by yourself at the fountain in the garden. The moon was out and bright; you looked up at the stars and sighed. At first, feeling lonely, the pity turned into gratefulness for the solitude. You needed this time for your thoughts. You needed to figure yourself out, and now was the perfect time. "Maybe  I should try going to the town sometime...that doesn't sound so bad. Other than being recognized. Being swarmed doesn't sound pleasant." You pondered, looking at your reflection in the water; this is when you would ask Rosalina for her thoughts. Your mind grew empty as you spaced off.


"Hm?" You turn your head around, expecting an animal in the bushes. There was nothing, so you didn't think much and looked back at the fountain. Suddenly a tie was around your mouth and a bag over your head. "H-hey!" You try screaming through the cloth, squirming and moving. Trying to demand whoever had you let you go. After some time, whoever had you let you go, and you were thrown on the ground, the bag coming off you. Your eyes adjusted to the light; you looked up to see Boswer on his throne, the cloth removed from your mouth as his minions restricted your hands with cuffs. You felt fear when you looked up at Bowser. "Why am I here!?" You panicked, "I decided to kidnap you; since Rosalinas has gone, I can keep you here as hostage. We all know how powerful she is." He Hollerd, "Put her in the cell." That didn't make any sense; nothing made sense. You were put into a dirty, old cell with a bed that was hung on the wall. You look around, noticing a rusty bucket. "Is that my toilet?" You thought with a disgusted face. Gross. You had to get out of there, so you started brainstorming ideas. Nothing was available to you; the walls were too wide to break through unless you wanted to be there for months. The bars were too thick to get slip by, you tried, but it didn't work anyway.

You weren't about to give up yet; you checked under the bed, and even one of the bricks was loose enough to pull out and smash the door. There was a small sound of something falling on the ground. You look to see what it is, "A bobby pin!" from your hair had slipped out. "I guess this one is getting old, but why didn't I think of this sooner...damn" You murmured as you picked it up off the stone floor. It took a long while, but you managed to pick the lock. You sigh in relief. Finally, you can progress. The cell door creaks as you open it carefully; you leave and go down the hallway. It was dark; the only thing illuminating it was the torches on the walls. You walk past a few cells, not noticing someone is in one. "Hey!" A man's voice says from behind the bars of a cell you passed. You take a few steps back. You can't see anyone clearly due to it being dark, but you see his dark form. "Can you get me out of here?" He pleaded, swiftly going up to the bars and putting his hands on the bars. His eagerness took you back, but who knows how long he's been here.

"Why are you here?" You question with a confused face; you want to talk to him before releasing him. "Love, Bowser and I aren't exactly best friends. Come on; I've been here for a week." He continued to beg you to release him; he was tired of being here. "Okay, Okay, I'll release you." You say, feeling guilt. You pick the lock with your pin and put it back in your hair. When you are done, the door opens, and the man seems relieved. "Thanks so much, Love." He says, kissing your hand. "You're welcome..." You awkwardly take your hand back with a soft blush on your face. You turn around to continue walking down the hallway. "Do you know where you're going?" He asks. "No, I've never been here. Why?" You answer, stopping in your tracks. "The exit is this way...Since your cluelessness saved me, I can help you get out." He gave a mischievous smile. You didn't like that; you looked him up and down with a look. "Okay..." You say, walking past him. "So, what's your name?" He asks, hunching to your level to look at you. "Y/N." You answer, "Princess Y/n."

His face went confused, "Princess? I can't recall there being another princess...What kingdom?" He asked, standing straight as he walked. "Mushroom Kingdom, of course." You say with a proud smile. The man cackles, "Mushroom Kingdom!? You can't be...I would know who you are; I know everyone!" He stops walking from the laughter. You give him an angry look. He quickly stops laughing. "You're serious?" He questions. "I'm Rosalina's younger sister...thanks." You huffed, continuing to walk. He catches up to you to walk next to you; there is a moment of silence. "Well Princess Y/N, I'm Waluigi." He puts an arm around you with a smug look. "Nice to meet you, Waluigi." You tried not to sound annoyed, but you did anyway. He lifted an eyebrow for a moment as he looked at you. There was silence until you two came across some stairs that went up to the main floor. "Okay, We have to be careful when coming out. Just follow me." Waluigi goes in front of you to peek through the door, opening it slightly before opening it all the way for you. It was just as hot as the cellar. You took off your brooch and clipped it on your dress.

The castle was huge; you walked for who knows how long. You started to slow down behind Waluigi. You considered removing your heels but feared it might be too hot due to the lava and stone. You held onto the thought for later. Waluigi looked back at you, "Too much for you, princess?" He teased. " is." You groan; he feels bad for you and decided to slow down to walk next to you. "We're almost there." He reassures you. "You said that an hour ago..." You pointed out, "I mean it, we really are." Waluigi replied. You rolled your eyes a bit, looking in the opposite direction of him. Probably 20 minutes later, you reached the front of the castle. You felt relief fill your soul. "See, I told you..." Waluigi began until he was cut off by Bowser jumping in front of the two of you with anger. "You shouldn't be here." He fumed. Waluigi cursed in his head, "Come on, I know another exit!" He says, taking your hand. You struggle to keep up with him due to your heels piercing your heels. "Waluigi, I can't run anymore!" You exclaimed, basically hopping due to the pain. Bowser was right behind you, his anger was loud, and you could feel his fire brush against behind you. Before you knew it, Waluigi swooped you up and started running as fast as he could. You didn't complain about it but felt as if he only did it out of pity, which he did.

Before you knew it, the two of you were outside, but you felt rumbling in the ground, but it wasn't just Bowser's heavy foot stomps that were causing it. Waluigi looked nervous as if his life could get any worse. "Brace yourself!" He called out, running down the volcanoes that sat below Bowser's castle. "I will find you, Waluigi, and Y/N!" Bowser exclaimed; you could see the fire come out of his mouth, illuminating the night sky. Suddenly you were falling down into a river as you turned back, Waluigi holding you close to him. You could hear the volcano's eruption as the two of you fell. It was loud and caused the rest of the cliff to shake rapidly. Rocks and pebbles falling into the river made you worry; you fell into the same flowing river as the boulders. You fell into the river, trying to stay close to Waluigi, holding your breath under the water. Trying to keep your head above the water, you screamed his name when you realized you had lost him. "Waluigi!?" You called, your head going back into the water and up again. Before you fainted, you briefly heard him call out your name and him grabbing you.


I'd like you guys to know I had a dream where Waluigi was trying to kidnap me. This happened during the process of writing the chapters for this book. =,)

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