Mock Battles - 12

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Photo above is what Rosaline looks like, and was created through AI! Couldn't really find any picture that was similar to what I had envisioned Rosaline to look like in my mind, so I decided to try AI, and I guess it turned out pretty good?

Days have gone by once again, and the day Adonis had been dreading came.

"Alright students! For this day, magic class and physical education will be temporarily replaced by mock battles!" The teacher announced.

"Mock battles will be held once every first friday of the month, wherein students will be able to showcase their strength and skills, as well as the progress you have made. It is a good opportunity to learn about your weaknesses and improve as well."

"A designated registration period has been opened, allowing students to sign up for the mock battles they wish to participate in. During the registration process, students are required to declare their primary elemental affinity. This information will help in planning matchups and ensuring balanced battles. You all will be given the choice to pick an opponent to duel yourself, or at random. Once you have decided, you may continue to register your names at the desk by the arena. Later on after the registrations and battles have been organized, the students who have registered will be called to the arena for a review of further details and rules." They continued, and the students' chattering grew, as people started inviting others to a duel.

'Mock battles, huh.. Perhaps I should go with a random opponent, I can't really think of anyone I would like to ask for a duel.' Adonis thought, and just as he was about to make his way to register, someone had grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

Adonis turned around to see Efren, and sighed. "Is there something you need from me?" He asked. Efren's eyes visibly lit up. "I want to have a duel with you!" He arrogantly stated. "And why?" Adonis raised an eyebrow at him. Efren coughed. "W-Why not? Moreover, I can sense that you're strong!"

"Strong, you say?" Adonis squinted his eyes at him. "Of course you have to be! I can sense the monstrous amount of mana practically rolling off of you!" Efren replied exasperatedly, and pulled him along as they walked to the desk to register.

"I haven't even answered you yet."

"I can see the 'no' in your eyes, and I ain't taking a no as an answer."

'Then why bother asking me?' Adonis thought, deadpanning as he resigned to his fate.

"Good morning, will the two of you be dueling against each other or would like to have a randomized opponent?" The lady by the registration desk asked. "We'll be dueling each other. Efren Claridge, Fire affinity." Efren said.

"Adonis Velandro, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind affinity." The lady went stiff for a second, looking at Adonis as her eyes widened in shock. "Ah, right.. Your names have been registered, an announcement will be given later, you may proceed to your classes for now."

A sweatdrop rolled down Adonis' face at the lady's reaction. 'Well, it really isn't everyday you see someone equally compatible with all four elements.'

In the bustling courtyard of Aznierra, students gathered in small groups, their voices a low hum of excitement. The air was thick with anticipation as whispers and giggles filled the air, all centered around the upcoming duel between Adonis Velandro and Efren Claridge. The news had spread like wildfire, and it seemed like everyone had an opinion to share.

"Did you hear?" A student exclaimed, their eyes wide with glee as they leaned in closer to their friends. "Adonis and Efren are going head-to-head in the mock battle! Can you believe it?"

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