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So yeah this chapter Kui meets Ao Lie's siblings

There names
Ao Lu (Name is not  canon)
And Ao Mo'ang(Its canon)

The door bell rung "They're here!"Ao Lie said And ran to the door to open it
"Ao Lu!,Ao Mo'ang!"He said.

"Hey Baby Bro!"Ao Lu went and hugged him accidentally tackling him to the ground but Ao Lie didn't care
"It's great to see you again,sis!"He giggled and they both sat up.

"So where's this boyfriend of yours?"Ao Moa'ng asked Ao Lie "Oh,he's In the kitchen making lunch!"He pointed to the kitchen "And he's a cook?Your Boyfriend is a keeper in my book~~"Ao Lu nudged Ao Mo'ang making him grunt.

Kui Mulang walked in the room,his hair tied up in a high-top ponytail,"Ao Lie lunch is—Oh..."Kui Mulang sentence was cut of when he saw Ao Lie's siblings.

'Shit I forgot they we're coming today'Kui Mulang cursed to himself.
This was probably gonna be harder than his Dad.He was lucky that Ao Lie's dad accepted him very quickly.

"So you're the boyfriend my son talked about...?"Ao Ji raised an eyebrow at him "Father please...."Ao Lie scolded him and hugged Kui Mulang's arm in a protective way.

Ao Ji looked at him "Do you love my son?"

Kui Mulang looked at him "Yes I do."He said with a nod.

"Do you care for him?"


"Will you protect him And make him happy?"


Ao Ji stood silent putting his hand on his chin "K,welcome to the family..."

'I'm gonna hope these two aren't as bad as the Dad,Uncle and Cou—'He thought but then Ao Lu squealed happily and ran up to him and hugged him "It's like I have another big brother!"She said and hugged him tighter.

Kui Mulang couldn't breathe from Ao Lu's tight hugging fortunately Ao Lie got her off him "Come sis he needs some space!"Ao Lie chuckled.

Kui Mulang gave himself a second a few seconds to breathe to compose himself "A-anyways it's great to see finally meet you two"He gave them a weak smile.

"Hi!I'm Ao Lu!Ao Lie probably Introduced myself buy I wanna greet you myself!"Ao Lu smiled at him "And this is Ao Mo'ang!"She said pointing at Ao Mo'ang.

"Hi..."Ao Mo'ang mumbled "Hello..."Kui Mulang said awkwardly.

"Okay how we have that lunch you talked about."Ao Lie said and went Into the kitchen leaving Kui Mulang with his siblings.

While Ao Lu was having a conversation with Kui Mulang,Ao Mo'ang was on his phone but once in awhile he would make a menacing glare at Kui Mulang.

'Guess he's still mad with what I did to Ao Lie...'Kui Mulang thought and held back a smile from that night.

"So what's your favorite animal mind our snakes!"Ao Lu said "Um Wolves,Tigers." "Oooh that's really cool!"

Ao Lie called for them in the kitchen for lunch and they ate Ao Lu still talking with Kui Mulang asking him random questions.

After Lunch they we're in the living room hanging out Ao Lu went to explore the house with Ao Lie leaving Ao Mo'ang to talk With Kui Mulang.

The Two older siblings decided to explore the place for a while Ao Lie tagging along to make sure they don't,specifically Ao Lu,Won't break anything.

Kui Mulang sat on the couch watching TV then he saw the siblings coming in.

"Hey..."Kui Mulang greeted them Ao Lie went and sat next to him and hugged him Kui Mulang put his arm around Ao Lie's shoulder,eyeing his neck that still had red bites,that set Ao Mo'ang  off.

Ao Mo'ang pushed them apart "Six feet apart or six feet number!"He yelled at the two,Ao Lu then started laughing at her older brother's overprotective behavior.

Gotta love overprotective siblings
670 words

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