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Luz pov.

After looking into the thicket my mother spoke.

"Let's head home, maybe the others will know something." Mami said.

"...ok," I said sadly.

I really wanted to find that girl, who knows, maybe she knew something! But Mami was right we should be getting back.

So I nodded and walked to the car slumping into my seat.

"So, back to my question, do they prefer blood or.." She joked.

"MOM-" I exclaimed trying to hide my laughter.

Mami chuckled and smiled softly, shifting gears into drive, and began to drive home.

I continued to ponder on the situation once again. Who was that? She looked like a skinny Thai girl, but I didn't see any Thai people in the isles.

After around ten minutes of passing out sleepy little town bye, we arrived back at our house. We pulled into the driveway of our house, I could see Gus and Hunter in the yard doing something, though I'm not sure what.

I got out of the car and helped Mami carry the grocery's.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Hey, Gus is showing me something." Hunter said.

"Oh ya, what?" I asked hoping this won't be like the time they went out looking for wolves.

"Apparently there's a whole colony of mini super soldiers living under your house!" Hunter exclaimed.

"Uhhhh.. well, I have some news-" I said before being cut off.

"WE'RE GONNA GO MAKE SURE THERE ISNT A THREAT!" Hunter said marching back to Gus.

"Well, I don't think theyr-" Gus said getting cut off just like me.

"You said they can lift a hundred times their own weight, have six legs, and giant claw like jaws!" Hunter said.

I was very.. very confused to say the least.

"Hunter, I don't think there are anything like that here." I said.

"He said they build giant fortresses in your own yard!" Hunter said.

After a minute I pieced it together.

"Wait, are these called ants by any chance?" I questioned.

"YA!" Hunter said.

"Hunter, theyr tiny insects that are smaller then my pinky nail." I said.

"Ya but-" Hunter retorted.

Hunter cut himself off after spotting his target.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Hunter yelled pointing to a ant marching line.

I just looked silently for a second, and Gus facepalmed himself as I grabbed Hunter's shoulder.

"Hunter.. theyr ants, and theyr just bugs." I said.

Hunter continued to stare at his new found enemy and I just gave up so went back inside.

Amity was in the kitchen washing dishes and Vee was sleeping on the couch.

"Is Vee still asleep?" Mami asked.

"Well, we went shopping yesterday, but sense we got stuck because of the flat rubber circle.. she's been asleep." Amity said.

"Oh, she must be exhausted, I didn't think about that." Mami said.

After a few seconds I could see my mom's expression change from minor concern, to excitement. I could tell she wanted to tell everyone about that girl in the woods.

"Oh, everyone your never gonna believe what we saw today!" Mami exclaimed.

Just then Hunter walked inside with a jar of ants, with Gus in tow.

"We-" I cut my mother off.

I covered her mouth and just chuckles nervously.

"Aha, hehe, ha.. uh, we saw this little statue of.. pinecones.." I said unsure of my own words.

"Oh, what was it a statue of?" Willow asked from the staircase.

"Uhmm... A.. bee." I said.

Willow then grew excited, in retrospect a bee wasn't the best idea when it came to Willow.

"Oh my Titan, did you get a picture?" Willow giggled.

"Uh- no, sorry." I said.

"Awww... Where is it?" Willow asked rekindling her hope.

"Uhm, dunno, some old lady bought it, but I think she was.. an arsonist, so, y'know put two and two together." I said.

Willow then hung her head slightly.

"Aww.. poor bee.." She pouted.

"Yup, R.I.P bee, but uh, I gotta talk to Mami so.. b.r.b!" I exclaimed.

I dragged my mom into the closet and removed my hand as the others were left in udder confusion.

"Luz, what's going on? I wanted to tell the others about the girl." She said.

"I know.. but, I don't know if we should tell the others yet." I said.

"What? Why not?" She questioned.

"Well, what if we're wrong.. o-or if their with Belos." I said.

"Luz, I understand, but we shouldn't hide it." Mami said.

I looked down pondering the choices, and the consequences.

I was so confused to say the least, why did a teenager just appear on our hood in the middle of, well frankly nowhere. There was no portal door just a glowing light, and small creatures, they could be from the Ilse's.

But if thy were sent by Belos, that could get everyone hurt, or even worse.. but if so, why did they run?

"Uhm.. let's just wait a little while, please?" I begged.

"Sigh Ok Luz, I'll trust your judgement, but we can't hide it forever, yes?" Mami asked raising her eyebrow to the ceiling.

"Yes.." I said.

"Ok, now let's get out of here before they worry." Mami said patting my head.

I nodded and opened the door and walked out.

"Caammiillaaaaa, we need help, the checkered pancakes are going to burn." Hunter called from the kitchen.

Camila chuckled a little, personally I think she enjoys having all these kids in her house.

I walked to the couch and started to watch the Azura show from where I left off.

Amity sat with me and layed her head on my shoulder. I smiled at the feeling of her presence, so I put arm around her, normally I'd smile, but I just frowned at myself, the thought of this moment never happening again because of me.

The sight of Gus and Hunter laughing at a book about Space adventures, the sound of Willow and Vee playing pattie cake, or the smell of my mom making breakfast.

Would this all disappear, if I be stupid, and chase someone that may be a soldier of our enemy.. or because I was to scared to do so...?

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