Now what?

90 7 17

Anne pov.

"Ok, we gotta get some real food..." I say looking to my froggy little family sitting around me.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Sprig asks shoving a worm in his mouth.

"Look, I'm used to bugs, but we're back in my world! So, mama wants some mint ice cream and boba tea!" I exclaim.

"Hm, ok then Anne, where can we get some grub?" HP asked.

I pondered observing my surroundings.

"Hm, well, I don't know... This isn't where I'm from." I said.

"What? But, isn't this the human realm? ...oh crud, are we in a different different world?!" Sprig questioned grasping his hat.

"No no, I mean, ya I'm from 'here' but just not... Here." I say looking to the trees.

"But, it looks familiar, like, maybe I saw this place once on a post card or, something." I say with a shrug.

"Sigh well, we should get moving into town then-" HP said with his own mind wandering.

HP began to march forward but I stopped him via putting my hand up to his face. HP looked up at me in confusion.

"Woah there HP," I say.

"Huh? What's this, a mutiny?" HP questioned.

"MUTINY!" Polly exclaimed collecting a brick from, well I don't know where.

I honestly couldn't tell if either of them were kidding or not.

"What- no. Look, you guys will get spotted and carted off to Washington for sure. I can't let that happen... So, before we go, you all need disguises, so stay here and I'll head to town." I say grabbing my bag.

"Hmm... Well, I suppose you do know this works better than us,-" HP says scratching his chin.

His chin was flat and smooth. Sometimes whenever he's scratching his chin, I just wonder if he's searching for beard hairs.

"C'mon Anne, we can hide, y'know like that butterfly boy guy you told us about!" Sprig exclaimed with flickers of hope.

"Dude, Bat Man, and no, it's too risky. I'll be back in a few hours, ok?" I say hardening my voice slightly.

Sprig sighed upset and crossed his arms.

"See you guys in a few!" I say throwing up a peace sign and eventually made my way back towards the road.

HP Sprig and Polly all just sat in the woods. I don't really know what they'd be doing but as long as they're not seen it's all good.

I reached the asphalt and began to walk in the direction that car was going. I still can't help but to wonder who those girls were. Hopefully not government agents, but that seems unlikely.

I began to whistle the theme song of Suspicious Island.

-20 minutes later-

I eventually reached a small town, I was tired to say the least. At least some clouds began to cover the sun.

It was so before, sweat pooled on my forehead. I wiped it off with some wet wipes I had in my bag... To be honest I really wish I knew I had these before hand.

The town was quaint, but has a old time vibe, wasn't to bad. There was a park which had a really big statue of two men.  The plaque said 'The Brothers Wittebane'. I have no idea who they were, but again they look familiar.

It really began to eat at me, why did I know this place?

Sense the dread of not knowing where I've seen the men was hanging over me with a tight grasp, I decided to go to the museum for some quick info.

I walked through masses of, well to be Frank, odd people, odd people for a odd place I guess.

I found myself outside of a building that read 'Gravesfield Historical Society'. The name Gravesfield drove me a little more crazy, where did I hear this name, and see this statue before?!

After a few minutes of self loathing, I made my way inside the building figuring it was the closest thing to a museum in this town. As I entered I passed by a pair of teens, one blonde with a ponytail, nose ring, cargo shirts, and a gray shirt of a band I've never heard of before. The second being a tall broad stalky guy with brown hair, glasses, and a black shirt with a alien on it.

Both ignored me and I did them, I continued inside. At the desk there was another teen, they had short black hair, brown droopy almond eyes, silver piercings in both ears, a bit of a duck lip, and a shirt that has 'G.H.S staff' inscripted.

I grew closer to the counter and could read a name tag, 'Masha'.  They looked to be either Russian or Jewish, but I was ten points away from flunking both world history and biology so I dunno.

"Hey there," I say breaking the dead silence of the lobby.

The lobby was about the size of a two car garage, it had dull brown walls, green carpet, and a poster with the places rules framed on the back wall behind Mashas head.

Masha jumped, seeming to be lost in her own little world at the time. Her eyes popped open wide and she let her hand fall from her cheek letting it dangle in the air.

"Oh- hey, sorry I was miles away, hehe" Masha chuckled.

"It's ok, but I was hoping to get some info on the town." I said leaning forward on the counter, getting some rest from the long walk I took.

Mashas face lit up, they looked like a kid that just got offered a Hershey's bar.

"Oh! Well great, you came to the right place." Masha said regaining her grounds.

As I opened my mouth to reply, I felt a sudden force collide in my side. I quickly turned my head to see a short girl with peach skin, cat lips, dulling green hair with navy blue highlights, wearing a orange sweater with a pumpkin on the chest.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry!" The girl exclaimed.

Her voice was meek and timid, she looked down squeezing her eyes shut for a few seconds before looking back up to meet my gaze.

"Oh, no problem dude, no harm done." I smiled trying to comfort the girls heart.

"Uhm, if your sure, I haven't been myself lately, a lot racing through 'ma brain, y'know. Haha." The girl laughed nervously

"Hey Vee, I told you to try those candles, they'll calm your aura." I heard Masha say.

I used my powers of deduction and figured the girls name was Vee, a long with the fact Masha was probably a spiritual, witchy person.

Vee seemed taken back by Mashas pop in, but not exactly shocked, but kind of embarrassed.

"O-Oh, ya right, I may." Vee said stumbling over her own words.

It wasn't very noticable, but I could see Vee blush, so I figured the situation pretty quick.

"Hehehe, well I'm Anne, Anne Boonchuy." I said extending a hand for he to shake.

Vee was minorly hesitant, but she grasped my hand and shook in rhythm with me.

"Oh, I'm Vee, Vee uh... Vee, Noceda." Vee said.

She sounded unsure of her own name, but I decided to ignore that.

"Ok, now that we all know each other, uh, Anne right?" Masha said exchanging glances between me and Vee.

I nodded in response along with a quick yep.

"Well, if you wanna know about our fun lil town's history, I'm just the human, well I think human, for the job, follow me." Masha said departing from her desk.

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