the kiss

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Pov Olivia:

The door opens and Garrett comes back in with the rifle in his hands. "I couldn't find anything out there. Are you sure about the cop?" He asks Harlan. "Yeah, one second the guy's standing there, slamming my head into the wall, and the next he's gone." Harlan explains to him and I don't fully understand why we care, isn't it a good thing nothings out there cause if you ask me that means we're safe. I like being safe and not being eaten by a fucking werwolf or harassed by some loser cop. "Whatever happened to him, we're gonna find out." Garrett tells us looking out of the window. "Why should we, Miller is an asshole who wouldn't go looking for you either." I tell him and they all look my way and I guess they disagree. "We're safe now, guys." 

"Not if we're part of it's pack." Luna tells me and what is that even supposed to mean. "It's protecting us." Harlan adds, and I can't take it much longer. "From what, a shitty cop?" Blake asks and thank got she did because I don't want to be the only one who seems to care about living. "How do we know it's not still coming after us?" Everett asks them. "We don't." Garrett answers making me scoff. "That's just so comforting." I say giving them a fake smile. 

After that he got into his whole story about the silver bullets and how he found the two of them, even told us how he made the silver bullets himself and why he kept them. "Are we gonna turn into that thing, that's your real father?" I ask them not wanting that cause I don't wanna be some hairy monster who kills people at night. "That's not my father." Luna says immediatly getting a reaction from Harlan. "Then what is it?" 

"It's a killer. I don't know if silver bullets actually kill werewolves, but I have a feeling we're gonna find out." He tells us and honestly I hope we don't have to cause I really don't want to see that thing again. "I'm going to take you guys home and tomorrow you're going to school, just like everyone else." I shake my head. "I can't do it, I can't go." I say but I don't think it'll make a difference. "If they're reopening the school you need to be there. You have to act like everything's normal, All three of you." Blake scoffs. "Normal? For real?"

As Blake and Everett make their way to Garrett's car I stop him wanting to talk to him. "Please don't make me go home, I'm fucking terrified and I don't want to be alone." I'm fully aware that the twins were listening in on our conversation but I couldn't care less, I don't want to go home to a house where no one is home and that the werewolf knows his way around. "Look my mum is working a night shift again and Maya too." I tell him trying to get him to understand. "What about your sister?" I shake my head. "She's out with her boyfriend like ussual." I could see him think about it but before he could answer Luna steps in. "Come on dad, let her stay. I'll look after her while your gone, she shouldn't be alone right now especially when it knows where she lives."

"Fine, but you are going to school tomorrow and let your mum know you're staying with us." He tells me before going to the car to drive home both Blake and Everett. When Harlan was sure Garrett had left he came down dressed like he was going out. "It's not safe." Luna warns him but he ignores her grabbing his keys off of the counter. "He said to stay here." Luna reminds him and he turns to us. "He also has a rifle with silver bullets to kill us. I'm going out." With that he leaves the house. "He's an asshole, ignore him." I tell her as I can see she's frustrated. "Why does no one seem to care about this, the only person willing to listen to me is you." She says now looking directly into my eyes. "Maybe I just trust you." 

"Now let's try to forget about this crap, cause I really don't want to think about this anymore." I say hoping to forget about it cause it is absolutely terrifying. "You looking forward to going back to school." She asks me laughing, she probably knows how much I dislike school. "So much, I can't remember the last day I actually enjoyed being there." She smiles while I talk and I don't know what's going on right now but i'm feeling something, it's the same feeling I got last time I was with her. "How can you not like school, it's not that bad." 

I'm think whether or not to tell her but decide I could trust her with this. "I'ts not that easy, I'm not really smart or anything like that. I make people think I don't care but I really do, I just don't get it. I can study for hours and still not understand it and i've tried so hard but nothing works for me." I've always found it really hard to tell people this because most of them will just think i'm stupid and as expected I could feel tears falling down my cheeks. " All I want is to become a doctor, so that I can help others." She comes closer to me and wipes away my tears with her thumb. " I just so happen to be doing really well in school, so if you I can tutor you and help you study." 

"I don't want you to feel like you have to, I don't want to be a burden." I can't really tell what she's thinking but she just smiles. "You're not a burden and I don't mind at all,  I like spending time with you and I wanna be around you more often." She tells me getting even closer to me. I think back to the last time we were close like this, it was that time we almost kissed but got interupted by Blake and Everett. 

She leans down sligtly, placing her hand on my cheek. Soon connecting her lips with mine. I instantly kiss her back and her other arm goes around my waist pulling me closer to her. The kiss didn't last very long though since she was the one to pull away first.

"I, um, we should probably get some sleep cause tomorrow is school." I say out of panic. What if she doesn't like me the same way I like her. If she doesn't like me she wouldn't have kissed me right. I'm really starting to overthink this and right now I wish my brain would just stop. "I guess you're right. You can stay with me in my room, if you want?" Shit, I don't want this to become awkward, why am I like this. "S-sure." I stutter out, great just great. Good job Olivia you're just so cool. She probably thinks i'm stupid now. 

Not much was said after that kiss. We went up to her room and she gave me something to sleep in. I should have just listened to Blake, I mean this is stupid i'm stupid. Why would anyone like Luna actually like me, it's cause she doesn't no one does. 

We're laying in her bed and I have my back is facing her hoping it would make this less awkward. After staring at a wall for five minutes i'm still wide awake, thinking of different ways to leave when all of a sudden I feel a body pressing up against mine and an arm sneaking around my waist holding me close. I can feel my whole body relaxing as I lay in her arms and all my thoughts from earlier seemed to slowly fade away. Not to long after I fell asleep in Luna's arms.

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