normal day at school

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Luna pov: 

I wake up to an empty bed and it takes me back to last night. I smile thinking back to our kiss, the one i've been longing for for a while now. That's when realisation set in, she left. I know it happened but did she not like the kiss or maybe she doesn't like me. I couldn't have imagined it all, I know there was some spark between us. I decide to shake it off and get dressed for school before I head downstairs. 

As I walk towards the kitchen my ears fill with giggles and laughter. A smile grows as I see her, she didn't leave after all. She looks beautiful even in the morning, she is even wearing a sweater which I recognise as mine. Her laugh it's the cutest thing ever, I can't help myself I just smile whenever I hear it. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my dad asks me something. "Sorry, what did you say?" I ask him cause I was so focused on Olivia I didn't hear him. he motions to a mug of what I assume is coffee. "Coffe specially made my Olivia." I take the coffee and look at Olivia once again and she gives me little smile. "Oh, um, I was cold this morning so I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your sweater." Do I mind, absolutely not and it looks way better on her anyway. I was so lost in my own mind I forgot to answer and they both look at me. "It's fine, thank for the coffee." 

"So how is school going, Olivia." Dad asks her and I could see her shift uncomfortably in her seat. She told me yesterday about it and it must be a really touchy subject for her and I can fully understand why. "You know dad, maybe me and Olivia should head out you know i like to be early." I say trying to avoid the question and my dad comes over to me giving me a kiss on my head before giving Olivia a hug. "You girls have fun at school and Olivia don't forget to tell your mother about the invite." She nods before we head out to the car. 

"Thanks for that, you didn't have to do that though." She says and of course I would do that, I mean i'd do it anytime for her. She deserves to be looked after and i'm gonna do everything I can to make her happy. "I did and i'll continue to do so." I tell her starting to drive. During the ride to school she didn't say anything and I didn't either thinking she didn't feel like talking. 

We both got out of the car and walked into the school. "I'm going to find Blake before class starts." She tells me before she walks away trying to find Blake. I do the same finding Harlan who left before us as he always has his own plan. not to long after I sat in class watching the door hoping to see her but it seems that she is gonna be late. "All right, settle down." Our teacher comes in and closes the door behind him. "I'm handing out your test results from last week." He was cut off by the door opening and everyone including him looked at the door where Olivia just came through.

 "I'm sorry i'm late I." She's now the one that gets cut off by him. "Do you really think I care Miss Flores, at this point why even show up at all. You don't pay attention and you don't do the work so you don't pass my class." I could tell she was on the verge of crying, some people behind me were snickering. They probably expect some snarky comment back, I guess that's always been her way to hide to truth. Olivia was still standing there probably processing his words and how he said it in front of the others. She looks very uncomfortable and is playing with the end of her sleeve. "Not much of a talker now miss Flores, what must your parents think of this behaviour they must be so dissapointed in you, maybe I should talk to that father of yours, perhaps he could teach you some manners." 

"Actually I was gonna say principal thorne called me into her office, but I guess it doesn't really matter in your eyes anyway, since you're heartless." She says calmly leaving the teacher speechless before sitting down in her seat which is behind me. If I hadn't known her struggles I would have believed every word she said, she's good at hiding the truth incredible even. The way she wanted to cry but stayed so calm even I wanted to punch the guy. "As I was saying i'm giving you guys back your test results I have seen you all have studied for it, all expect one." He says looking Olivia's way and some people laugh at this and this isn't okay. I have seen it happen before how he makes this kind of comments before but this is going to far and I know it must be hurting her even if she won't admit it. 

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