Finding Happiness even in the smallest things!

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Hey Authors! 

How are you? Welcome back to the "Author's Weekly" Here we, the authors share our thoughts and have a stage to show our artwork (Our books!). I am coming up with an awesome surprise next chapter, it will be an awesome opportunity for you to showcase your artwork. This week's topic,

 Today I am gonna share my experience of grieving and the stages of grieving. I know grieving is hard and it might seem like there is no life after that, but that's where we go wrong. "There is light even in the darkest time." 

When we trap ourselves in a circle grieving our loss, we never look for ways to remember them. My brother loves to connect with nature, so in his remembrance, I started a terrace garden and started to feed birds.  I know, wherever life takes us, it will be hard to forget them. We cannot forget them. By crying or by being depressed, they are not gonna come back. The only thing that can pacify us is- nothing. 

Yes, it's true, nothing in this world can pacify us. A loss is a loss. But what we can do is remember them and cherish their memory. Some days will be hard, but I am sure with their happy memories we can get through. These two months without my brother felt like hell. Every day, every sunrise, every sunset makes me feel alone. 

He was an amazing person, he used to cheer me up whenever I am down. He was a great supporter, without him I feel like a part of me has drifted. Throughout my journey of grieving, I learnt a great lesson, Always cherish their moments... Never regret a moment with them. 

Life can show us many things, but they will always stay in your heart no matter what. Instead of taking them as our weakness, let's make it our strength. Make an affirmation to yourself that you will make them proud. Always remember them in your success.

Hope you like this! You can also share your experience here>>> 
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With love, 
Sadhana Siva

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