Raising In Popularity ~<3 | part 2

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Author's pov.

Shinobu woke up the next morning. She sat down, yawned, and stretched both of her arms before standing up. She quickly finished making her bed to go downstairs in eat.


Shinobu sat down at the table.

"Everyone, I.. we've got something to say." Said the mother, before holding her husband's hand.

Everyone at the table stopped on what they're doing and looked at the two, waiting for the to say what they have to say.

"Well.. me and your mom decided to move to our hometown. We missed the fresh air and lovely community there." The dad announced since the mom was too shy and afraid to say it.

The daughters are SHOCKED.

"But, what about our life here? What about-" Kanae said but was cut off by their mom.

"No buts." Their mom said.

"Fine." Kanae answered, Shinobu can still tell that she's upset.

"Does that mean that we're gonna transfer schools?" Kanao asked, finally speaks.

"Yes, honey." Their mom answered.


After eating, Shinobu quickly packs her things in big boxes just like what her mom told her to do.

"Gosh, I have so many stuffs.." she thought to herself, clearly struggling.

While packing, Kanae entered Shinobu's room, wanting to say something to her.

"Nee-san, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be packing your things like mom told us to do?" Shinobu said, wondering why would her sister come in her room.

Kanae just stayed silent for a while. Shinobu was getting worried towards the behavior that her big sister is showing. After a few minutes of Kanae being silent, Shinobu decided to speak up.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?'  Shinobu asked, clearly worrying about her older sister.

"I- It's just.. I'm gonna miss our life here.." Kanae said.

"Trust me, I think it's for the best." Shinobu said, trying to make Kanae feel better.

Kanae looked at her sister then smiles. Shinobu gladly smiled back, making Kanae to feel better.

After Shinobu and Kanae talked, Kanae leaves Shinobu's room so she can pack her things too.

Shinobu decided to take a break and be on her phone for a bit. While scrolling in social media, she saw that the video of her is not in the feed anymore. She sigh, feeling relief.

* [With Tomioka Giyuu] *

Giyuu just woke up and doesn't care about having breakfast. He usually study the whole day, every day. But, not for now.

"I'm bored. I need to do something beside studying." He said with a sigh.

He then grabbed his phone and start scrolling on social media. While scrolling, he stop. He saw a familiar girl.

"Isn't this.. the the girl from the rooptop?" He thought.

[End of part 2]

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