The ball 2.1

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Me and Ava continue to speak, her aura is like no other

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Me and Ava continue to speak, her aura is like no other

Conversation coming to an end as my ears pick up on bickering

The voices all too familiar

Making my way to the source in case my assistant is needed

Of course mother is the cause

Over the ballad, I can hear her and nova exchange words

Something that seemed to be a usual day to day routine

It wasn't always this way but after father started traveling more, mother became cold

Feeling a sense of loneliness and isolation

Taking out her frustration on the one child who desperately looked for her parent's approval

Only to be called a disgrace as she began growing into the person she desired

" you wear these clothes and then you refuse to find you a husband amgonst the men I've taken time to pick and prepare for you so that you claim your throne. Does the title Queen not mean anything to you?" My mother says

Nova scuffs at her remark, trying to swallow one's spleen

Unfortunately her lips were no longer held together by force

Angrily voicing, " we have had this debate one too many times, if marrying a man is the only way for me to have my title then I refuse," she says as a few eyes began to look upon them

Father soon following my lead as we came closer

ready to step despite being aware of Nkva's stubbornness, preferring to handle her battles with mother on her own

Feeling a sense of weaknesses whenever be and father swooped in to save her from our mother's harsh unforgettable words

" either you pick or I will arrange you a marriage. Stubborn just like your father," mother says as she storms off

Father's face showing offense

"She is not speaking of me," he expressed, a sense of unbelievable clearly evident

I slightly chuckled before putting my eyes back on Nova

Who was now readjusting her coat before taking a deep breath

Giving her an " are you okay?" look

Although I knew the answer

She nods her head at me before walking away

"I'll return soon," I say to Ava

"No rush," she understandably said

Following Nova to provide some type of brotherly comfort

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