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[ Uhmm...another hiatus?Again?LMAO I AM SO SORRY 😭😭,but as a explanation for ALL OF YOU.]
[I have exams,and yuh..not EASY exams but,HARD..exams,please understand the shit out of my well-being(and my brain)]


——— 𝐇𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞, in a angered demeanor, You mock the previous female demon who claimed you were weak

"Weak my ass!!" Exclaimed,with rage filling your veins

The pace of your footsteps eventually stops and then you turn your back to view the cold,dark, forest

Spitting on the snow,your teeth gritted and sassed out loud to the air
While you sticked out your tongue,plus middle finger "ATLEAST I DONT BURN WHEN THE SUN COMES IN-CONTACT WITH MY FUCKING SKIN YOU BITCH!!!"

You then asserted,with a hair strand blocking your mouth in a sudden,

"This bitch ass hair." The (H/c) girl complaints,flipping that hair strand away from her mouth

Your eyes narrows up to the night sky,and blinks

"It's pretty.." You mumbled all of a sudden...




"AH!" You screamed in fear, damn, your skin literally flew off when a sudden crack of a twig caught you off guard. You exclaimed " What the fucking name was that?!", and went silent for a few seconds, as your brow slowly raised in suspicion

It took a few seconds to find out where did the sound came from, once you already figured it out, a sweatdrop formed on the side of your neck. Then you sighed "Screw it" creeping closer to the bush

"Shiiiit..." every step you took, you felt like your heart was literally beating out of your chest, I don't know with you. But you act like the definition of a scaredy cat

Swiftly let a breath out and took a risk, you open to bush to reveal a..

A chipmunk?

You patted the head of the chipmunk carefully before leaving it alone, it was literally eating peacefully, why would you just snatch it away while it was eating??

What if the chipmunk has a family to feed??Dumbass, anyways your eyes kinda adjusted to the dark. So, you needed to find a cave..yep, I don't know with my previous ass while writing that chapter , to why did I decided to make you leave the hotel

Augh, It's annoying.

Your eyes squinted slightly, while you tilted your head to the side, your eyes analyzed the two humans from a fair distance. Wait..what the fuck.. two..demon slayers??

I guess they found the demon I tortured, damn it. Don't tell me they're looking for me?!? Covered your mouth in shock with your realization, which you unintentionally did. You stepped back, inching away silently from the un identified demon slayers

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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