The rave'n

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"Y/n L/N was one of the multiple outcasts in Nevermore and he used to spend most of the time alone,not really doing anything.

But ever since a new short,goth raven haired girl arrived the school he's been experiencing strong love for the first time.

Scared of himself y/n went to talk with her to know her name and her persona.

Was that moment whe he aproached her and....

"Hello lady" y/n said offering his hand to her

"Hello" the girl replied in a monotone voice not offering her hand

"I tought you where interesting so i wanted to know you better,my name's Y/N Y/L/N nice to meet you" y/n said with a pretty small smile.

"People always said i look weird,im Wednesday Addams" she replied looking at him with her signature stare.

"I didn't said you looked annoyed,jut interesting but fine,nice to meet you ms.Addams" y/n said cleaning his clothes in a polite way.

"Don't call me "ms" or you will know my true self" she said in the same tone

"Fine lady your wishes are orders for me"

"Do you want to do something?You know a coffee,something else"Y/N said in his polite tone

"Fine" she reluctantly replied

As Y/L/N and Addams where walking through the streets they opened about themselves.

"You know something lady,people just aproaches to me for my family,my money and my abilities.
I hate it because u have never had a true friend and people jus seeks adventage on me and it's really annoying,but being honest lady i don't need a friend,well i gues.."Y/N said looking down with an annoyed look and a big sight

"Friend are not a need on our lifes,the people tha surrounds me are like parasites in my organism,parasites that should be erradicated from my body and dissapear" Wednesday said with a firm stare at the way.

"I think i should say the same,i don't know maybe im just too dizzy" y/n said

"Yeah" wednesday said...

"You know lady,you are the only person that has understand me and i really appreciate it so i wanted to say thank you" y/n said with a weak smile.

"I guess" she replied

"As im too grateful i wanted to ask if you at least would like to be my only friend" y/n said

"Well you are not an intense freak seeking for attention so it's fine"she replied

"Thank you much lady"y/n replied with a small smile

As the time passed Y/L/N and addams became closer until a special day arrived

The day of the rave'n...

After all of those days wednsday caught the attention of two more guys
Xavier and Tyler,but wednsday just ignored them and used them.

Wednesday was getting ready for the day of the rave'n  and thanks to thing she got a pretty nice dress

Y/n on his ways was getting ready too,using a black suit

Y/n could not contain his feelings anymore so he planned to confess to  wednesdayv tonight

In the rave'n

The party had just started and Wednesday and Y/N where already there

They drank,they had fun and danced

When goo goo muck started to sound Wednesday started to dance with y/n having a lot of fun.

They dance together in a weird way while y/n admired her

Wednesday was aware of this so she did an special dance for him doing cheesy poses and a dancing around him

But he did the same thing doing it around her and grabbing her hand and kissing it carefully.

Then it ended and Y/N aproached her and he finally confess

"Ms.Addams i love don't know how much i love you and i really want to spend the rest of my life with you...." Y/N said with a romantical tone

"Uh,huh,well i love you too,and i rlly wanna spend my life with you..."she replied as the people was still dancing.

Y/n then put his arms on her hips and kissed her as she put hers on his cheeks

He lifted her and they kissed passionately.

The people around them started to cheer  at the two lovers as they continued to kiss

Suddendly the music stopped and "blood" started to rain making the rest of the people to panic and leave

Y/n and wednesday just continued to kiss and not caring about the chaos around them

"I love you Addams.."

"I love you Y/L/N"..

Wednesday Addams And Tara Carpenter X Male reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now