wild obsession

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Jimin picks a cleaver knife in his hand and came towards chin hwa and bend down ( tape was on his mouth) .

Without waiting any time he cuts his ear he was yearning badly. Y/n can't help except crying.

He cleanched his jaw and gripped the rod tightly and gave a hard smash on his face. He kicked him on his stomach. Then bend down to his level and grabbed his right hand.

Jimin- did he touched you with this fucking hand?

Y/n is just crying.

Jimin- Y/N! ( He shouted)

Y/N- please jimin .(cried out)


Y/n- (sob)...yes.

Jimin- remove this tape.

They removed his tape.

Chin hwa - please leave me sir. Please I have family. ( Crying hard).

Jimin- leave you ( chuckle) good joke.

He suddenly cuts his hand screams left from his mouth. Jimin puts his foot on his cuted hand .

Y/n- stop please stop ( covering ears and closing her eyes)

Jimin's expression change into serious one.


She doesn't opened her eyes in next moment she heard a loud scream and and yearing sound.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw that jimin've cutted his two almost half leg with a sword in one time. Her eyes get wide open how can someone do that. He is yearing like a fish without water.

Jimin laughed in satisfaction .

Jimin- look y/n you are only mine no one can even lay their eyes on you .(smiled)

(He throws sword on the ground)

Jimin- let's use something else.

You looked at him in disbelief. He signals his guard. Then guard came with a bottle in his hands.

Jimin came to y/n and made y/n sit on his lap.

Jimin- the game is begen enjoy this.

He knows that y/n can't even see a dog in pain then how can she saw a human dying in front of him.

Then guard came to the another guard who saved you yesterday in jimin's eyes he betrayed him.

Y/n got scared.

Y/n- jimin wh..what they are gonna do to him please stop them.

She tried to get up but jimin stopped her.

Jimin- do you want me to punish you now huh?

She stayed silent. Two Guard's opened that bottle's cap and grabbed chin hwa and other guard's face and poured that liquid in their eyes. In the very next moment she realised that this was acid.

Both of them screamed in unbearable pain including y/n . Chin hwa dead at the same time and other one's eyes came out from his face. That was the terrible and horrifying scene she have ever saw in her life.

Jimin looked at y/n reaction in satisfaction seeing her scared terrified under him.

After some time the guard also left his soul.

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