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( First of all thank you so much for 10k readers on my book...... I'm really grateful for this....... ❤️ love you all)


Eun woo: thank you dada...

Jimin: hmm eat your breakfast now...

Eun woo: i had enough now i want to play...

He said and ran to his playroom to play...

Now y/n looks at jimin and started eating...

Y/n : j..jimin can i ask you something..?

Jimin: yes say sweetheart..

Y/n : are y..o.ou really r..ready to let me go out to the

Jimin: hmm yes....but you know it that you have to follow rules and I hope that you will... right

Y/n: y..yes..i will.......j..jimin i want to talk w..with my family and meet with them

Jimin: who?

Me: family jimin pls Just once it's have been a l..long time..

Jimin: sweetheart you have only one family and it's me and our baby... you don't have any other family or it

Y/n : jimin don't say this please just once let me talk with them.... it's been almost 5 years..

Jimin: i said no y/n i won't allow you* said while eating without looking at her*

Y/n : why?. it's my will to meet with my family friends and talk with with anyone i want...i don't need your permission for this...

Jimin just looks at her silently without any expression..

Y/n : and you are just caging me up in this mansion...away from the world....i just can't take it anymore....i don't need any permission..

She said in a loud voice...

Jimin chuckled...

Jimin: i see

He grabs arm tightly and made her stand... drags her in their room and locked it from inside

Jimin: you have everything y/n just look...a big mansion and a beautiful kid everything.... jewellery,luxurys, money...what else you need

He said and looks at her

Y/n : do you think it's the only things we need to spend a life.....i need my freedom most importantly a good person who could love me not use my body..and use me like his doll..

Jimin: i don't use your body y/n i love you i just show my love..


Jimin eyes got dark and red after hearing rape word from your mouth

Jimin: i just makes love with you..

Y/n : no you don't.... u just ruining me and my life,.,. please let me just go out of this hell

That's it he can't control himself anymore....he slapped her harshly and throws her on the wall hard that her forehead started bleeding from side.....he grabs her jaw harshly looking in her eyes

Psycho mafia husband Obsession [PJM BTS]Where stories live. Discover now