CH 15

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Shi family residence.

Xie Wei looked at Xie Keyue, who was hardly ever absent-minded at the dining table, and a touch of worry spilled out from her eyes, “Xiao Yue ah, nothing happened to you recently, right?”

Since returning home the day before yesterday afternoon, Xie Keyue had locked himself in his room and had not even eaten well.


Xie Keyue slowly returned to his senses, and picked up the coffee, “I’m fine, I had a small cold two days ago, but now it has been fully recovered.”

“It’s good that you’re okay.”

Xie Wei paused, then spoke with a hint of rebuke in her tone, “Look at you, you don’t even go to the company these days. Fortunately your grandpa and dad have gone to Lin Province to congratulate Mr. Wu on his birthday, otherwise they would have been dissatisfied if they saw you in this state.”

Mr. Wu was an old friend of old man Shi. His family engaged in the wood carving industry, and his resources were abundant.

This time the old man was willing to rush to Lin Province himself, because the other party had heard about the Shi family situation and was willing to lend a helping hand and give financial help.

Xie Keyue didn’t answer, but took a sip of coffee in silence.

Xie Wei continued, “Xiao Yue, it is very likely that the Shi family will survive the crisis this time. You have to work harder so that the old man and your dad can hand the company to you with ease. Shi Yunnan, that bastard, has already left this family……”


Xie Keyue heard the name, and his expression was distorted for a moment, “Don’t mention him in front of me.”

He suddenly smashed the coffee cup onto the table, and the slightly hot coffee splashed on his hand, causing a bit of pain.

Before Xie Wei could finish her words, she was interrupted by this sound, and was dumbfounded for two seconds, “Son, what’s the matter?”

“Mom, there are some things you don’t need to say, I know it in my heart.”

Xie Keyue picked up the wet towel on the side and wiped his hands. He got up and walked out of the house slowly.

Xie Wei looked at his departing back with a disgruntled frown, “This kid is no longer listening to his elders. I’m your mother, can my words harm you?”

Xie Keyue got into the car and closed the door with a bang, but he couldn’t relieve the fury in his heart.

Four days ago, he was set up by Shi Yunnan in his own nightclub, and because the drug took effect so quickly, it was too late for him to seek any help.

Before he became unconscious, he fell into the arms of a man.

The rising flame of desire gave birth to the most primitive instincts. Xie Keyue’s chaotic brain could no longer maintain the so-called rationality, so he slept with the other party in this confused state.

By the time he woke up the next afternoon, his body was sore and swollen, with red marks and bruises all over, and not a single piece of good skin.

And the most difficult thing for him to accept was far more than that!

The more he thought about it, the more Xie Keyue became angry, and vented his frustration on the accelerator.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the exclusive parking lot of the Shi Group. Before Xie Keyue could open the door and get out of the car, a phone call came in.

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