CH 28.1

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A week later, Jiaolong Investment Group.

The four team members gathered together, excitedly discussing—

“Lou’s new products are going to explode this season, this rising sales volume is too good right?”

“The new exterior design is so brilliant! Although I got a gift as an insider, I still bought all the other lipstick cases. Who can resist this! Say, how did Designer Shi, as a man, come up with interchangeable case design?”

“Designer Shi is young, powerful, and good-looking. It’s a pity that the famous grass has an owner1.”

“Then again, there are times when the Investment Analysis Department made some errors in their valuation. Lou’s performance in this quarter must have increased by more than 2%, right?”

A week ago, the public opinion of Zhao’s Meiji air cushion’s ‘rotten face’ became more and more heated, causing strong protests from countless consumers.

At the same time, Lou company, a small domestic cosmetics brand, stood up and took out a series of evidence and the copyright certificate of appearance patent, pointing directly at the appearance plagiarism of Zhao’s new products.

The rotten face Zhao’s products hold themselves high with the ‘domestic brand’ gimmick, but they actually plagiarized the product appearance in secret?

What the f*ck?

The anger of consumers was ignited all at once. They made more and more complaints to the Industrial and Commercial Supervision Department.

They seized the behind-the-scenes leaders of the air cushion brand and poured dog blood2 on all of them.

Even if Zhao and their brand denied the ‘plagiarism’ at the first, the ‘rotten face’ caused by the air cushion was a fact that they couldn’t get rid of, so they failed to win back the trust of consumers, and the stock value continued to plummet and evaporate within a week. Their losses were becoming increasingly serious.

On the contrary, Lou’s Hua Zhong Ge, which had always called themselves ‘a small domestic brand’, had entered the netizens’ and customers’ radar.

Although Lou’s Hua Zhong Ge used to follow the minority route, the reputation of their products had always been very good because they were conscientious.

At present, Hua Zhong Ge had attracted the attention of netizens by relying on the beautiful national-style outer packaging, and immediately the water army spontaneously jumped out to recommend the product——

“Oops! My favorite domestic brand is about to be discovered by everyone!”

“Sisters, listen to me! Hua Zhong Ge’s stuff is really easy to use! The packaging used to be quite plastic, so I’m embarrassed to recommend it! This time the new product packaging is simply divine. Must buy!”

“To tell the truth, her house stuff works pretty well.”

This was an era that required marketing and traffic. Only by finding ways to enter the vision of consumers could they open up the situation of blocked sales.

With Luo’s investment, Hua Zhong Ge had gone all out to launch overwhelming publicity, online promotion, video advertisement, and even printed advertisement was not spared!

Of course, there were also doubts from netizens——

“Start throwing away the money to the water army again? You guys haven’t learned enough lessons from Meiji’s air cushion? It must be another plastic quality product!”

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