Chap. 17. Realistic wishes, unwanted hysteria

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Recommendation of checking the trigger warnings at the bottom of the summary/description of the overall story is advised before proceeding into the chapter.


It was always these repeated words, these repeated feelings. Repeated actions.

We were just merely all the same under different skins.

How humanity tends to give into conformity, how every flower bloomed in the same motion, but different in notion.

They were all ugly in the back, and it was just a matter of how well one can cover theirs.

Sheep skins tend to slip when used too often. Especially in suppressing subconscious emotions that were not yet put in words.

But then again, there were also the actual sheep. Laying there, waiting to be divided up as meals.

Wilbur was the former. Quackity was the latter.

At least, that was what the two thought. That was what everyone thought.


"Who are you to talk to Karl this way?" The obsidian-haired figure challenged, stepping in front of the taller figure's path.

"Do not make me repeat this twice." Ignoring the warning, Wilbur's voice lowered, currents beneath.

"Sapnap..." Karl trailed off, a silent plea. Please don't fight. Quackity could feel the hands that supported him go tight, the anxiety shone as clear as day in the clear brown eyes of his.

How can one have such clear eyes? It was as if Quackity was staring into a well, the content deep, the surface reflecting moonlight and stars, no ripples, no conflict, just...pure.

Somewhere, in his subconscious mind, a pair of baby-like arms reached out for the clear reflection of the moon, longing for peace from the storm.

Wilbur knew that too. The venomous eyes that could burn a hole through his body, it stared. Quackity instinctively shivered, keeping his eyes on the ground.

"You guys, can we do this later? We have to bring-"

"Give him to me." Wilbur cut off, completely unaware, or perhaps just simply ignorant of Karl's words.

Quackity could feel Karl flinching at Wilbur's coldness. Sapnap blinked, his eyes with a slight surprise.

After all, who can be to the sudden change in Wilburr's attitude?

The mask of a social butterfly immediately shattering in a million pieces, left on the ground, blood smeared on it.

Maybe one day he'd look back and pick up the pieces and Quackity keeping what was left. But today was not the day.

"Give me a reason to give him to you." Sapnap shrugged, "I've seen what you can do, y'know, so I'm a bit worried about obsession with Alex."

Quackity pressed back another wave of emotions. Wilbur must have talked about him a the point where even his friends knew about him.

And once again, he didn't know how to feel about his theory.

"First glance at my toy and you are already in love?" Wilbur would smirk back, softening the blow, turning the table. "I guess it can't be helped after all," He shook his head, his tone mocking.

"Not when he looks so fuckable, am I right?"

There were two ways Quackity could die today, either because of his arm, or out of the overflowing of his emotions, the nectar's scent thick, suffocating him until he can no longer breathe.

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