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For my beautiful mom, GiGi. I love you. Thank you for sharing your love of romance novels with me. You have been the best mom, and best friend in the world.


10 years ago…

Sailor Clayton laid her forehead against the cool glass of her mother’s SUV window and watched the trees in her neighborhood rush by. Her reflection of light blues eyes and pale skin was a stark contrast to her long, dark locks of unruly curly hair. She had one week left of senior year, and all she wanted to do was stay in bed.

“Please, Mom, don’t make me go. The kids are so mean. They call me Sloppy Sailor because of my oversized sweaters and curly hair.” They hurt me, Mom, she added to herself.

“We have been over this, honey.” Her mother’s voice had a stern but gentle tone. “You just have to make it through this last week, then you’re free and going to Austin University—one of the most amazing, diverse colleges in the country. The kids will be nicer there. But you have to finish school no ifs, ands, or buts.”

Sailor let out a frustrated sigh but knew there was no arguing with her mother. “Yes, ma’am.”

As they pulled up to the white-rock building of her Texas high school, a feeling of dread mounted in her stomach. Her mother had no idea of the tortures awaiting Sailor inside that building. Without a word, she stepped out of the SUV and grabbed her backpack and books. Her tiny frame was swallowed up by her large sweater that hung like a dress on her. She turned to give her mother a small wave as she drove away.

Harnessing all her strength, she shuffled toward the building’s big wooden doors. Her head down, she focused on her feet as she walked and tried to drown out the occasional snide remarks from the students milling around outside.

As she entered, she clutched her books tighter to her chest, her feeling of dread growing. Then she heard a boisterous laugh. Looking up, she spotted him.

What would it take for him to just notice me?

Standing halfway down the hallway, surrounded by his football buddies, was the most gorgeous boy she’d ever seen. Saxton Crawford. Star football player, quarterback, with chiseled features rivaling those of a Greek god. Wearing his standard Letterman jacket, jeans, and worn cowboy boots, he looked as easygoing as always, as if he had everything and not a care in the world. He was tall, maybe six-three or six-four with golden-blonde hair and stunning, turquoise-colored eyes shining brightly from his handsome face.

Sailor watched in silence as he smiled, showing his brilliant, straight white teeth.

Her heart fluttered. She was mesmerized by him and didn’t hear whoever came up behind her.

Suddenly, she was pushed to the ground, and her books went flying down the hall and sliding to a stop in front of the Greek god and his buddies. She was mortified as she looked up and saw Saxton quizzically looking her way. Then a pair of stiletto-clad feet blocked Sailor’s line of sight. She knew those shoes and cursed inwardly.

Andrea Smithson—Saxton’s statuesque, blonde, extremely evil, popular girlfriend. Basically, the bitch was everything Sailor wasn’t. If Satan and Anna Wintour had a child, Andrea would have been the result. She was cruel, violent, and unfortunately for Sailor, the demon in a pretty package had been on a personal mission to make Sailor’s life a living hell. Sailor tried to avoid Andrea, but the evil bitch always found a way to torture her. She was the main reason Sailor dreaded school and was probably going to need years of therapy.

One of the pointed-toed shoes pressed down on Sailor’s hair, preventing her from being able to stand. She heard the malicious laugh above her and felt the bitch and her squad of minions hovering above her. Tears pricked Sailor’s eyes, and she swore she wouldn’t let this devil incarnate see her cry.

“What makes you think you have the right to stare at my boyfriend, Sloppy Sailor?”

Sailor didn’t bother to answer, and the bitch pressed down harder, pulling her hair and causing pain.

“I asked you a question, troll!”

Suddenly, the foot holding her down was yanked away, and Sailor looked up. Saxton stood there, a look of anger on his face. He had her books under one arm, and his other hand gripped one of Andrea’s arms. He towered over the beautiful banshee.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Andrea?” he seethed through gritted teeth, leaning toward his girlfriend. “See, this right here is the shit I was talking about. You’re mean for no reason, and I can’t deal with that. We are done!” His last words were loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear. A buzz ran through the crowd gathered to observe the interaction.

Saxton let go of Andrea’s arm and gave her little push. All the color drained from a stunned Andrea’s face. Then a flush of red started at the bitch’s neck and quickly replaced her pale complexion. Andrea spat on the ground next to Sailor and narrowed her eyes at Saxton. Then she stepped to him and pushed one perfectly polished finger into his chest.

“You think we’re done? We’ll be done when I say we’re done. You’ll come crawling back before lunch.”

Saxton stepped away from her finger and leveled his gaze on her. “No, Andrea, I won’t. Not this time. Just go.”

With a huff, Andrea turned and stomped away. Her minions following at a safe distance from her rage. Sailor gazed up at Saxton as he bent and gave her a gorgeous smile. Sailor’s heart fluttered again, but she managed to smile back.

“You have a nice smile.” His voice was a smooth southern drawl. “I’m Saxton…and you are?”

Sailor felt a lump in her throat and just stared at him unable to answer. He raised one eyebrow, waiting for an answer. When she still gave no reply, he nodded and said, “Um, okay… Let’s get you up.”

One muscular arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her to her feet. As she stood, his arm remained wrapped around her and his proximity ratcheted up her nerves. She felt like throwing up when he looked down, and his turquoise eyes met her blue ones.

“Wow, I’ve never seen eyes that are such a light blue.” His hand rested on her lower back, and she felt her face flush. His grin returned as he continued speaking. “Wow, you’re a tiny thing. Under that big sweater, it’s really hard to tell.”

Sailor’s face felt hotter. She must be red as a beet by now and was still speechless.

He finally released her, and she stepped back awkwardly.

Handing her the books he said, “Are you new here?” Sailor managed a nod in response, and Saxton chuckled.

“Okay then, new girl. Let’s try this one more time. I’m Saxton Crawford, and you


Sailor found her voice and was about to answer when the first period bell rang, and students started rushing past them. Saxton turned and looked back at his friends who motioned him to come on. He walked backward and gave her another stunning smile.

“Well, that’s my cue, mystery girl. I guess I’ll see you around, and maybe, I’ll get your name next time.” Saxton turned and sprinted toward his friends then disappeared into the crowd.

The rest of the week passed with more torture from Andrea, and Sailor counted down each day. She would be so glad to start her new life away from the daily physical and emotional abuse of the resident mean girl. Sailor did see Saxton but made sure he didn’t see her. The cost would have been too high. Andrea’s punishment too much for her to bear.

Then school was out, and Sailor skipped graduation. By the end of that week, she couldn’t take any more of the humiliation or pain Andrea dished out. Sailor assumed she’d never again see the boy who’d stolen her heart.

It would be years later before Sailor realized that assumption and fate were tricky bitches with a devilish sense of humor.

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