Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Once the press conference ended, Dalton and Saxton found Sailor backstage. She jumped up and down with glee, throwing her arms around Dalton’s thick neck.

“You killed it, boss.”

Saxton stepped between them and pulled her to him. “What about me, sugar?”

Sailor laughed and hugged him tightly. “You did great, too. Y’all are a good team. Hopefully, my job just got easier.”

She tried to step away from him, but he kept his arms wrapped around her. 

“If you let me, I can make your whole life easier.”

She rolled her eyes and looked up at him.

“God frowns on liars, Saxton.”

 He burst out laughing.

 “Touché, Ms. Clayton.”

Sailor stepped from his arms and looked to her boss. “I think we’ve done all we can for the day. If you’re okay with it, I’m going to head home.”

Dalton nodded. “Sure, you did good today as always.”

She turned to walk away from them but stopped when she heard a jingling.

Sailor looked back, narrowing her eyes. Saxton stood beside Dalton, holding up her key fob that was attached to her office keys, a huge grin on his face.

“Looks like I’m heading out, too. I’ve gotta drive the lady home.” Dalton clapped Saxton on the back. 

“Good luck with that, man.”

She was about to protest, but Saxton walked over and placed a finger to her lips.

 “I’m driving. I think I’ve earned it.”

She couldn’t help grinning. He was too adorable to resist.

“Okay, but just this one time.” She tried to sound scolding, but it came out on a giggle, so she was sure she hadn’t achieved the effect she was going for.

The walk to the car and the short ride home were quiet. After the adrenaline high from the day’s events, her brain felt fried. She just didn’t have the capacity for conversation. She wasn’t sure why Saxton was quiet, but she enjoyed just being able to sit next to him without needing to talk.

When they pulled into her spot in the parking garage, he turned to her. She hoped he wouldn’t try to discuss whatever was going on between them. She wasn’t ready to go there yet.

Placing a warm hand on hers he said, “Thank you for everything you did today. I can see why Dalton respects you and you’re such an asset to the team. I won’t question your judgment again.”

She felt a blush on her cheeks. “Thank you. That’s really kind of you to say.”

A moment of silence passed between them, then Saxton removed his hand and got out of the car. Sailor followed, and they walked side-by-side into their building. Al sat at his desk in the lobby with a big grin on his round face.

“Hey, Ms. Sailor, Mr. Sax. How was your day?”

Sailor let out a sigh. “Another long one, Al. How was yours?”

He smiled at her. “It was good. As you say another day, another dollar.” “Good, I’m always happy to see your smiling face. I’m beat, so I’m heading up.”

She walked toward the elevator but stopped when she realized Saxton had stepped up to Al’s desk. She paused to wait.

“I’m pretty beat, too, Al. Have you had dinner yet?” “No, Mr. Sax.”

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