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hello everyone! hope your doing fine! So just as I promised here it is the third chapter that it is longer than usual up to you, I hope you'll enjoy it. Don't hesitate to share your ideas and vote for me. The next chapter will be published next Friday.

Love u <3 <3


Next morning, I woke up by the annoying sound of my alarm, stupid phone! I'll stay here for just another 5 minutes, the fresh air hit me, looks like it's a beautiful day, seeing the clock 7:48 well not anymore, how much of 5 minutes did I sleep ?! I'll check quickly my social profiles since I'm already late, 15 minutes later I got myself into the shower, and started looking for today's outfit, a black leggings paired with a white simple shirt and a black golden necklace, I grabbed my watch, my phone, my bag and head towards my babe, I unlocked my Porsche 918 and allowed myself to sing with the radio my way to starbuck, I'm not going to start my day without a decent breakfast! An hour later I was in my school's parking lot. And it's started again! all the heads turned looking to me, I know that no one would dare touch my babe so I walked to my class ignoring the attention I get in my way, and of course didn't bother knocking the door before I open it, seeing my teacher's face I immediately realized how much of a bad idea that was.Unfortunately I couldn't handle myself and burst out laughing uncontrollably in her face, OMG she was all red she could explode any time and imagining the flames coming out from her ears didn't help at all, it just made her look angrier if that was even possible


"Gladly" I thought but couldn't reply, I was too busy laughing at her and admiring the scene in front of me, so I just walked out and slammed the door shut. Well now I know for sure that wasn't the best I could do but well it wasn't even that big of a deal to make her that much furious !

Should I go pay that principle of mine a little visit or just walk out of school and enjoy my existence away from this prison, as he didn't have the time to miss me I'll go with the second choice, but then again I really feel awkward today and well let's say that the principal and I have this kind of funny conversations that just arrange my mood whenever I'm pissed off, he know for sure how to be entertaining and diverting in times. Well then I'll go explore his office again, I went a lot to his room that I lost count, I know that place better that I know my kitchen, and we all know how much I love food. The principal's room is pained all by white, which is a great color for his furniture, this man have a great taste that surprised me seeing that he don't look like a person who would pay attention to stuff like this. In the door's left side he have a medium desk that have the principle's name written very clear "Edward David William" placed in the front, a black pot where all his pens are and all his papers are usually in the center. He was very smart choosing this desk he look very dangerous behind it. he also have this great breathtaking piece of art, it's a painting that have a lot of colors especially black and red, it just captured me every time I come here. In the middle of the room is a vast rectangular table for meetings I guess , and in the very back or right, he have an immense white couch for you know "business ".

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