Can't Possibly Get Worse

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We open on our lead, Minella, working extra hours she didn't ask for to cover a coworker getting a pedicure. She had just been called into the manager's office for some reason.

Minella: *knocks on the door and walks in* You wanted to see me sir?

Manager: Oh, Minella, thank you for coming. Listen, I need you to work the graveyard shift tonight.

Minella: B-but sir, you told me I didn't have to work 3rd shifts.

Manager: Well, no one else is willing to so you're gonna do it.

Minella: I have something important in the morning, I-I need sleep.

Manager: Are you talking back to me?*he stands up from his desk, this alone makes Minella recoil*

Minella: Eee! No sir, I'll come in tonight.

Manager: Good, thank you. *sits back down.* you're good to go till tonight, Be here at 8 tonight.

Minella: Yes sir. *she steps out of the office and punch out and makes her way to her car. She takes a minute to collect herself before she sees a text from one of her friends, a delivery girl named Amanda, and a missed call from her girlfriend. She returns the call first.* Hi sweetie, I'm so sorry I missed your call.

Lizzy: Where were you?! Do you have any idea how neglected I feel? You better have a good reason for ignoring me.

Minella: I'm sorry, I got called into work, I promise I wasn't ignoring you. Did you see the dress I bought you?

Lizzy: I did, it's ok, but only $3,000? I didn't realize my love was so cheap to you. Maybe I need to find someone who'll be good to me.

Minella: No, no! I'm sorry! Please don't leave me, how can I make it up to you?

Lizzy: I suppose maybe I can forgive if you take me out somewhere big and fancy tonight.

Minella: I'm so sorry, my boss told me I have to work the 3rd shift tonight.

Lizzy: You told me you were exempt from night shifts! So now you're putting work above me and you're lying to me to avoid me? Wow, you really are heartless. Maybe you should spend a couple weeks without me if you hate me so much.

Minella: NO! No, please, no! I'll work something out, I promise.

Lizzy: You better. *she hangs up without even a goodbye.*

Minella: *lets out a deep sigh, her tired eyes clearly trying to fight back tears. She opens the text from Amanda*

Mandy: "Hey hon, Greg and I are just outside my workplace, swing by when you get a chance. Text us if you can't make it, Love ya. -M"

No chance Minella was missing spending time with her only friends. She lets Mandy know she just got off work and is on her way there. After a bit of driving she makes it to the pizza place Mandy works at to see her and the head of the local church, a pastor roughly Mandy and Minella's age named Gregory, sitting at a table.

Minella: Hey Gregory, hey Mandy.

Pastor Gregory: Hey Minella, Mandy told me you got off work? I thought you were off today.

Minella: Trixie ran off so I covered her.

Pastor Gregory: You're a stand up girl but you need to take care of yourself sometimes. At least you're done for the day.

Minella: Well... *She lets them in on her situation tonight*

Pastor Gregory: Oh you poor girl, 3rd shift? I thought you made sure that couldn't happen.

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