Chapter 4 - The Library

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"Sam, Emily, Banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes are up!" I hear my Dad yell as I am walking down the stairs, Sam behind me

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"Sam, Emily, Banana-rama chocolate chip pancakes are up!" I hear my Dad yell as I am walking down the stairs, Sam behind me.

"Thanks Dad!" I say as i sit down and start eating my pancakes, but Sam runs out the door and Dad sighs.

"Don't worry she'll come around soon, she's just mad her boyfriend is a dick," I say and he donks me on the head with the paper.

"No language," Dad says and Anthony chuckles which causes Dad to do the same for him and i snicker.

I get to school and Eli, Demetri and I are walking down the hallway only to see Aisha walking down the stairs, and everyone starts snorting at her.

"Hey everybody shut up!" I yell and everyone goes quiet.

"What the hell is wrong with people," I say shaking my head.

"Everything," Eli says and I send a small smile to Eli.

"Aisha!" I hear Sam says but Aisha just ignores her as she walks past Sam.

"So no karate anymore?" Demetri asks and Miguel shakes his head.

"It's probably for the best, it was starting to boost your confidence," Demetri says, I couldn't believe Miguel was training for Kobra Kai.

"Isn't that a good thing," Miguel asks.

"No, what has confidence ever gotten people like us other than ending up in the trash?" Demetri asks us.

"Well, I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kyler," Eli says and i smile.

"Yeah, Eli is right Miguel did the right thing, Demetri, even tho it was stupid it was cool," I say nodding.

"Are you insane, what is the best super power anyone can have?" Demetri asks.

"Super strength," Miguel asks.

"Mind control," Eli asks.

"Able to talk to animals," I say

"Wrong, invisibility, distant second would be super speed to run away fast," Demetri says.

"Run away from who?" I hear Kyler ask.

"We were just leaving," I say and we all grab our bags and go to walk off.

"Hey where are you going? Oh, look at this freak," Kyler says smirking as he grabs Eli's face.

"Hey stop it," I say, i go to push Kyler off him but Brucks stood in the way.

"What kind of girl would kiss this shit," Kyler smirks and I start fuming.

"Leave him alone Kyler," Miguel and I say.

"Oh-ho-ho" Brucks and Kyler say.

"I will kick your arse like I did last night," I say, and he scoffs, Brucks pushes Eli, and Eli, Miguel and myself walk off, thinking that Demetri was behind us. But he wasn't, his bag got chucked into the bin and covered in yoghurt.

"Hey Em, can i talk to you about something thats been bothering me?" Sam asks and i nod.

"What happened at halloween dance, you were a bit shaken up when you got in the car," Sam asks.

"Kyler tried to kiss me, basically tried to force himself on me," I say as I put my book down in my lap, putting in the bookmark so I didn't lose my page.

"Oh my god, Em, why didn't you tell anyone?" Sam asks.

"Because i was embarrassed plus i stoped him before he got close, you weren't the only one Dad trained," I say smirking and she sends me a soft smile.

"Just be careful tonight okay and call me, or mum and Dad if anything bad happens, okay," I say and she nods walking out of my room.

"Thanks, Em," Sam smiles and I nod.

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