Chapter 6 - Grandma's Home!

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For the whole weekend Robby and I have been training in my Dad's dojo, and lets say we are both getting quite good

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For the whole weekend Robby and I have been training in my Dad's dojo, and lets say we are both getting quite good. But because of it I haven't been able to see Demetri and Eli at all but it's finally Monday and i am meeting them at school.

"Demetri, hey!" I say and he turns around and smiles.

"Ah, there you are we thought you died," Demetri says sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

"Aa-ha-ha, very funny Demetri, hey were is Eli?" I ask and he shrugs.

"He shrugged me off the whole weekend, something about his hair, a tattoo, and karate. I don't know Emily, it's like he's turned into a whole different person, i don't like it," Demetri says and I nod, i hear murmur through the halls only to see Eli walk in with Aisha and Miguel all wearing a Cobra Kai t-shirt and i shiver.

"What the hell," I whisper and Demetri stares in shock, Eli had changed his whole hair do, it was now a Mohawk with blue tips.

"Hey Emily, hows it going," He says with a smirk, what the hell happened to my Eli, this isn't Eli anymore and I don't like it.

"Eli..." I say only for Eli to cut me off.

"It's Hawk, my new and only name, don't call me Eli again, he was a whimp," Eli says and I scoff.

"Excuse me, what the hell happened to Eli?" I ask and he smirks.

"Cool, right? I got it done on the weekend in honour of Cobra Kai, it turned me into a new and cooler guy," Eli says smirking and i shake my head.

"No it has turned you to becoming a what can be seen as arrogant and rude guy, I want Eli back," I say and walk past the three musketeers, Demetri agreeing with me and following me.

I am sitting by the pool in my bathing suit with my earbuds in listening to Taylor swift. I see something in the corner of my eye, so i look up and I see Robby, i quickly take out my ear buds and smile.

"Hey Robby," I say waving from the chair and he smiles down at me.

"Hey sorry, I was looking for Mr Larusso," He says rambling on and I chuckle.

"Hey Emily, you sure you don't want to join us?" Dad asks me and i shake my head.

"I'm going to the mall with Sam, Mum and Grandma, i gotta pass this training session Dad," I say shrugging and he nods understanding.

"Okay well Robby can you give me a hand and take this to the SUV, Bye-bye sweetheart," Dad says passing Robby an esky.

"Bye, Dad," I reply.

"It was nice to see you again, Emily," Robby says and i smirk.

"Yeah you too Robby, good luck with the tree," I say and Robby frowns.

"Tree... what tree?" He asks my Dad and i chuckle as i put my earbud in and lay back down.

After three hours of hell at the shopping centre, Sam and I managed to bring back Grandma and Mum in one piece. We were helping get dinner ready when i see Dad and Robby walk in and i send him a small smile which he returns.

"You owe us big time," Sam says and Dad looks at us baffled.

"Yes, wait, how did you do it? Actually, i don't even care, i'm hungry. Hey Robby, you hungry, you wanna stay for dinner?" Dad asks shaking his head, smiling at both of us.

"Uh, yeah sure, thanks," Robby says, we dished out plates inside only to move outside to the dining table. I was sitting next to Robby and Sam, and we were all laughing as Dad and Robby explained the training they did today.

"No, thats like so not fair the first time I tried I feel off the tree so many times," I groan and robby laughs with everyone.

"Honestly, every time she got up, she'd just fall off, she's very clumsy this one," Sam says giggling with me as we remember when Dad took us out when we were younger.

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