Chapter 5 - Meeting Mr Keene

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I was in the cafeteria, walking with Eli, Demetri and Miguel only for Kyler to start yelling to the whole cafeteria

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I was in the cafeteria, walking with Eli, Demetri and Miguel only for Kyler to start yelling to the whole cafeteria.

"Hey guy you know the billboard with the big ass dick on it? I guess Sam and Emily takes after their Dad," Kyler says smirking at Sam and then me, i was fuming.

"Hey Kyler," Miguel says slamming his tray on the table.

"Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being an arsehole to my friend and her sister," Miguel says and I smile, he was sticking up for us.

"Want another bet down Rhea?" Kyler asks and all his dummy friends circle around the two of them.

"I'm ready for your lame ass Karate this time," Kyler says and keeps pushing Miguel.

"It's not lame ass Karate, it's Cobra Kai" Miguel smirks, as he starts the fight, causing them to throw punches, and use techniques i've never seen. Miguel kicks all of their arses and it actually scared me what he used was not okay.

I got home from school, the scene in cafeteria still in my mind and I go find Dad only to see him in the old Karate and now pool room.

"Hey Dad, how would you feel about teaching Karate to me again?" i ask and he looks up at me from the picture of Mr Miyagi that he was holding in his hand.

"I would love to Emily," Dad says and i smile.

"Perfect, so what do you need me to do?" I ask.

"Let's clear all this out first and clean it down and then we can fix up the room," Dad says and I nod grabbing a broom ready to sweep the floor. I see Mum look in from the door and she smiles at me and Dad and we both smile back as we continue doing what we do.

I was home early from school as I had a migraine and Mum had picked me up from school and brought me back to their work. I walk into my parents place, which I also work at as a receptionist of the weekends, when Michelle can't work on the weekends.

"Hey Dad, hey Uncle Louie, hey Anoush," I say as I walk towards the couch in my Dad's office and I pass out. I wake up to the sounds of my Dad yelling and I frown, my migraine was gone but now I was getting a headache.

"What's going on..." I say only for someone to bump into me, and i fall back from the impact.

"ouch," I say looking up at them, my god, he was so hot.

"Oh, sorry, here," the guy says and he smiles down at me.

"I'm Robby, Robby Keene, whats yours?" He asks and i smile back.

"I'm Emily, Emily Larusso, your lucky i didn't call my Dad on you," I smirk and he chuckles.

"Well i'm very sorry Miss Larusso, please forgive me, i am at your service what can i do for you,"

"I could do with some popcorn," I say and he smirks.

"I can go get that right away, after i have finished the thousands of jobs Anoush and Louie have given me," Robby says and i wave it off.

"Well i can always help you, cause i work here on the weekends," I smirk and he scoffs.

"Let me guess as a receptionist, what i do is a little different," Robby smirks back and this time i scoff.

"Just you wait and see Mr Keene, you are about to be blown away about how awesome i will be at your job," I say walking off and he runs after me chuckling.

I am washing the dishes with Mum after we just finished dinner and Mum looks over at me with a smirk on her face.

"So i saw you talking a lot with Robby today, is there anything we should know about..." She says trailing off to try and get me to answer.

"Uh, no, we are just friends, Mum," I say only to see Robby walk through the gates and i frown as he walks into the dojo and i look over at Mum and she nods. I walk out of the house and into the dojo only to see Robby and my Dad talking with eachother.

"Hey, Robby, Dad whats going on," I ask and they both smile at me.

"Robby has asked to join our dojo looks like you have a partner with you," Dad says and Robby winks behind my Dad and I smile.

"Cool, I look forward to it!" I say walking out of the dojo only for Robby to follow me.

"Hey, so what were you doing here?"

"To give your Dad some paperwork but turns out i didn't need to, Louie," Robby says frowning and then he smirks.

"Why, did you think i came for you?" He asks and i frown.

"Oh, no, no, i knew it was related to work, okay, well i'm gonna go, see you later Robby," I say rushing away and up into my room. I'm so dumb what was that.

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