Special Moments

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The ride was long and simply satisfying. But it was not like I never wanted it to end. For when it did, I could take Sae out of the parked car and lead him to the door of the large, white, multi-floored building. 

Entering, we stepped inside the majestic elevator that led us to the 3rd floor.

Entering, we stepped inside the majestic elevator that led us to the 3rd floor

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When we stepped out, we were facing a single, large room, with a closed door. Before opening it, however, I turned to Sae as I said: 
"You'll be the first person to see what's inside of this room. This room, is very very special to me. And I feel you should be the person to see it, for you were the one who opened me up to me. Thank You, Sae!" 

I did not look around to see his reaction. It scared me. What if he found my emotions annoying? What if I was too pushy, too clingy? What if he found these feelings...disgusting. 

So avoiding these emotions, I places a hand on the knob and slowly started turning it. In that moment, I felt Sae's strangely soft hand sliding up mine and felt inclined to face him. Our eyes met and I heard him say to me: 
"Thank You, (y/n), for trusting me." 

With a soft smile I turned my head around, and never losing the contact of our hands, we slowly opened the door to reveal a bright yellow light blinding us. 

As we got adjusted to it, I felt the same nostalgic, comfortable feelings running up my veins. This time though, it was accompanied by renewed excitement. My forcefully mellowed out personality was finally sharpening up again! 

Inside were several canvases. Canvases painted in so many different colors. Canvases sketched with sceneries. With pictures that could move one to tears. With images that could make any mouth curve up in a smile. This place was the most special place of my life. 

Sae had not let go of my hand even once

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Sae had not let go of my hand even once. And so, I started dragging him around. Showing him creations I was particularly proud of. Every now and then, he would stop around to marvel at some pictures, inserting his experts comments like "oh!" and "Woah" with 3 second intervals. 

I was sure he was hesitant to ask at first, but finally he pulled me back and asked me with a deep hesitance, "What...makes this so...special to you?" 

I did not answer and took his hand once again, leading him to the largest sketch in the room. It was a woman holding the hands of a little child. 

I was sure he saw my eyes soften as he whispered a little "oh". I continued my tale, and we both stood frozen, gazing at that very picture. 

"Before I turned 13, we were a super happy, cozy family! My mum, my dad and their little treasure, me! Mum was as famous as dad was. She was the artist whose art exhibitions were covered by almost every media channel. Mrs. (m/n)(l/n)! 

She taught me to draw since I was 5 years old. We would paint together. And that was one of the times I was the happiest. 

When I turned 11, mum was detected with Cancer. There was no cure to it, absolutely whatsoever. Dad was ready to spend an infinite amount of money on her treatment. But, there was no cure left. I cried and threw tantrums about how I did not wish for her to leave me! But, she did not have any option either. 

As a last memory, she bought me this room. Our memories, together, stored in here, forever. We spent her last days together over here. This is a sketch from those days. After her death, dad did not stay normal anymore. He buried himself in work, and had virtually no time to spare for me. I was handed to Rin like a prize for becoming world's best striker! I know he was hurt, but I was too. The only time I could feel close to family after that, was in this room. 

It makes me feel warm. Like mum is still holding me close. 

I...cannot adapt to change easily. But, nothing is the same as before, anymore. This is the only place that keeps me connected to my past. 

Every time I felt neglected even by Rin, I would rush to this place, and draw. I don't remember what is feels like to say everything out, anymore. Dad was never there to listen then, and Rin is not the listener now. I only know how to paint my emotions out to mum. 

That's why, I love this place. It's mum's.

I...still regret it. I regret making mum feel guilty about leaving. If only I would have controlled my tantrums better, she could have left in peace! But even on her death bed, I hated her for leaving me alone. Her last words to me were, I am sorry!

I could see Sae's face turn so many emotions all the while I was telling him my story. And even after that, we stood for a long time, in silence. Me, trying to bury all my tears. And him, contemplating on the right thing to say. 

After what felt like eons I heard him say, "I am here. I am here to listen whenever you say something to me. I am here, to stay!" 

And after so many years I recognized sincerity in the voice of someone close and I could hold those tears no longer.

I burst into tears, trying to hole myself inside me. But I found myself not needing to, as Sae's warm, large arms encircled me, and covered me in their protective presence. All emotions, long-held, started spilling out in his warm T-shirt then. 

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