Pick Up! Gosh Please Pick Up!

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That...got me lost. 

"Rin. Love, it's...too deep. It's too incomprehensible. You love the one you don't want to let go. But don't you think that the reason you want to hold onto her is because you feel she will be the happiest with you? When you are in love, all of your actions are subconsciously remodelled to make her happy. And if you see her suffering with you,  you naturally want to let her go so that she can be happy away from you. 

I know you love (y/) Rin, but, is she happy with you? It's not about weather you deserve her or not. Trust me, no one deserves her. She is just too amazing to be deserved by anyone. So the least the person who gets her can do is give her all the happiness in the world." 

Was what Sae told me in that moment. 

"And, can you give her that?" Apart from that, I could not ask anything. 

"No." Was what Sae told me. "But, I can be selfish in my love towards her. And I promise you, my selfishness won't hurt her." 

"Sae, you'd better go." Was the only thing I could tell him. 

"Rin, do you know what prevents distances from growing?"


"its communication." And with that my brother was out, leaving me in the still supressing darkness. I had no idea what I expected from myself, from life. All I knew was that the mere thought of letting (y/n) go was supressing all happiness in my heart. 

All those times she had hugged me close, that day when she smiled her brightest, I wanted all o that to be with me. The fact that I knew no one but me could keep her the safest was not the only reason I wanted her. It was also because I felt safe around her. She was my life, my whole universe. The bond with Sae, I did not know if it could ever be repaired again. But the bond with (y/n), no matter what I did, I felt it would never sever. 

I could be myself around her fearlessly. It was a protection I did not want to let go off. And with my head lolled in my hand, I did the only thing I could. 

I picked up my phone and placed a phone call. 

Sae POV: 

I was....not exactly alright! Today, during my fight with Rin, I had been the most honest I had ever been. And that had not exactly gotten me anywhere...It had led into me confessing my love for my brother's girlfriend, and him challenging me, that he would never let her go. 

GOSH! I was such an idiot! What if he told (y/n)? She would hate me! She would fear being around me again! The hell would I want that!!!!!!!!!!!! 

She would start thinking of me completely differently! The starry-eyed look in her eyes will change...She'll...start thinking of me as someone who's stolen her from Rin! I'll become a selfish monster to her! UGHHHH! What is Rin told her everything?! 

I gripped my hair tightly in my hand. I have no clue how I managed to reach home safely, with my thoughts swirling with (y/n). All I know...is that I was in my room right now, overthinking every possible outcome ever! And the more I thought, the more it pushed me into that endless pit of...pain... I couldn't let her go! Not her! 

Rin POV: 

Why was she not picking up the phone?! Gosh...this was worrying. Was (y/n) really that mad at me?! Cmon, please just pick up the phone! (Y/N)! 

I had dialled her 30 times right now...Had she...blocked me...?! Was she sleeping...? I hoped so. I hoped she wasn't mad at me. That she was willing to give me another chance. 

Wait. Why was I so desperate?! All those fights we had before has failed to bother me at all. After all (y/n) would just come running to me, like a kitten with her tail between her legs, and forgive me without asking for an apology. But then...it seemed like...something had changed. It was a sudden, yet a creeping change. 
She had become more confident. More understanding of her wants and needs. 

Maybe that was scaring me. When she was a nobody but my girlfriend, I had complete control over her mind. I could be selfish without caring for her. Now, she was becoming herself. She was breaking the leash. She was no longer...mine.... It scared me! Having 0 control over her, scared me...It meant that she could leave me any moment now... 

I kept calling her continuously. 10 times, 30 times, 60 times...3 hours later, I was on my way to her house. 

Her door was locked. It was eerily quiet in there. 

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