The Best Walk of my Life

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I sat on the middle bench, as usual. The place that always went unnoticed. I didn't know since when did it happen, but the attention of people around me started terrifying me. I wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury myself in it! And I was ready to lose myself in the same desperation as everyday, when all of a sudden, someone kept a gentle hand on my shoulder. 

I turned, hoping to Sae but was only slightly disappointed to see another flash of Pink. The one before me was Sakura Haruno. 

"Hi (n/n)" 

"(n/n)? Where'd that come from?" I asked with a teasing tone. 

"Well, the name (y/n) is anyway too big, lol. So, anyone sitting on the seat beside you?" 

I shook my head in denial, and she unceremoniously dumped her bag on the desk as she slumped on the seat near me. 

"Man! Another day in here and I would end up dead!" 

"Is anything wrong?" I asked in the most comforting voice I could muster? 

"Everything, actually! This place is boringgg!!!" 

"Then, why do you continue to study here?" My voice was genuinely curious. The reason I was studying at Eden was because I was forced too. I wanted to know what her obligation was. 

"My dad....passed away due to Lymphocytic Cancer. My dream is to become the best doctor in the whole world and cure this shit once and for all! For that, I need money and resources and super amazing qualifications. That why....Eden." She shrugged as if it was no big deal. 

And that is what bothered me. 

"How can you talk about what hurt you so easily?" I asked her. I wanted to know, how was it that she could adapt so easily to this pain! 

"Cuz....Well, I don't know how to express it,'s like, I have not wholly accepted the fact that my dad is no more. It's like, I am living in a virtual world. The reality is the place where my dad is alive, and we are one complete family. So it's like...talking about a book to me. 

I envy the people who hurt while expressing their pain. They have completely accepted it. They are ready to live this new life now. 

I am still clinging on to a hope that does not exist, knowing that it does not exist." 

That took me by surprise. Was that why half the world seemed so happy? That was how I was once upon a time. 

Until Sae forced me to accept everything that had changed. 


Lately, I was unable to understand why I could no longer face him. I wanted to be miles away from his presence. Otherwise, I'd start stuttering and blushing really hard! Paradoxically, I never wanted to leave his presence either. 

I wanted to stay with him forever, and never be with him. 

I was sure my eyes had a faraway look in them, cuz when Sakura waved her hand in front of my face, I continued to sit there, dreamily. And then....She brought her face directly before my eyes.

I gasped and shrunk behind. 

"Watcha thinking Madame?" She asked in a sing song voice? 

"I was thinking about....nevermind." 

"Itoshi Rin?" She asked in a suggestive tone and winked at me. 

Well...that was surprising. I couldn't remember the last time I had thought about Rin. Once upon a time, he was all that plagued my thoughts. When did this change happen? When did I want to see a Pinkett rather than those tufts of chocolate brown hair? My emotions had suddenly become slightly clearer to me.

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