Distance pt.1

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Later after you left MinHo and Q' s room you were back to your dorm, kitty was asleep so you sat down on one of the chairs next to the counter and called your mom she answered immediately

"Hey mom ! Guess what ?"

"What's up sweetie?"

"MinHo and I kissed !" You said excited keeping your voice down

"No way ! I bet little you is extremely happy !"

You were confused "about that, when you say little me, how little, like, what do you mean ? Little me ?" You said thinking about the possibilities of MinHo remembering those timeS

"Yeah c'mon ! How come you don't remember?" You shook your head and mumbled a little 'no' so your mom explained " well I have been talking to MinHo's mom and remembering old days, it was brought back to me, that you were like 6 at the time when you had this huge crush on him "

"Seriously?!" You asked a little bit in disbelief

"Yeah ! It was so cute !" You chuckled "but don't worry rumour has it the crush worked both ways"

"Well I guess it's cute, but i was too little I don't really remember anything"

"Yeah, but that's life honey"

"Yeah, well, night mum"

After your call with your mom you went to sleep, you were too happy and couldn't wait til tomorrow to tell MinHo what you just discussed with your mum!

The next morning you woke up super happy, specially because on Friday classes would be dismissed because of holidays.

On Monday you expected MimHo to be there first thing in the morning, but he wasn't, so you walked to class by yourself, once in the classroom you walked to uour seat, the room started to get crowded with all the other students but Min Ho wasn't there yet, you were keeps a seat for him but when he walled in he completely ignored you and walled by you, you felt confused but there probably was an explanation.

The next classes he was truly distant aswell but then at lunch you talked about it with Q, because you didn't get it, yesterday was perfect, but then again he was a player, was he just playing you ? It couldn't be right ?

"Hey Q"

"Hey y/n, what's up ? You seem down ?" He asked you as you sat Infront of him, MinHo walked by both of you not acknowledging any of you at all and Q noticed so he asked '"is it him ?"

You nodded "It's just I don't get it, because yesterday was amazing, at least for me, and he has just been completely ignoring me" you places your head in your hands frustrated

"No no girl, don't be upset because of a boy"

"And we aren't even dating, like.."

"Listen to me y/n he has always been a player, that's true" you looked at him a little overwhelmed "however this time I truly feel like there's more, he seems truly pinned on you to say it like that"

"You're just saying that to make me feel better" you said looking down and he just shook his head "but it's fine, because I should know better, right ?" Q just nodded his head again

"I'm just saying I'll be here with you no matter what, and don't worry about him, he's probably just distant because he's nervous"

You just nodded at him.

The rest of the week went by, you would have a few days off, but kitty would go home, and so would Q and Dae, so you didn't know what you were gonna do alone during chuseok.

On Thursday the principal anounced that you were free until next Wednesday because chuseok was on Monday so everyone left the classroom immediately to pack and go home, almost everyone left you talked to the teacher for a second so everyone was gone by the time you were out of the classroom, the second you stepped out the room you saw him

MinHo was standing outside on the side of the hallway, so you just walked by him when he decided to finally talk to you

"Y/N wait" he said but you kept walking "please" you stopped and he corned you close to the wall

"What do you want ?" You asked him

"Well, chuseok is coming nobody is going yo be at school so I was wondering if-"

"MinHo I can't believe you" you interrupted him "you have been ignoring me all week, and then you randomly decided it was the moment to talk to me again?" Ypu said a little frustrated

"Y/n I swear I have an explanation, Im really sorry, It's just that I, I wanted to protect us yk, so rumors wouldn't ocur, I know how much you hated when that happened last time" MinHo said really thoroughly so you believed him, and smiled when he saw you smile so did he

"Okay, then continue"

"Right, so I was thinking you could stay at my dorm since my roomates will all be gone" he then looked at you smiling

"Well that sounds good, I'll think about it, will let you know tomorrow"

He smiled and you looked up at him, you were obviously up for his idea, he got closer to you and hugged you and then gave you a small peck on your lips

"Perfect then, see you tomorrow first thing" he said and left back to his dorm

You were really excited to spend a weekend only with him, It was a perfect moment to get to know each other better, you were still confused about how distant he was with you all week, but it was better to believe what he said, because why would he lie to you ? Right ? Totally

You then told Q about your conversation with MinHo and he was happy for you, so that made you feel less uneasy about the whole being distant thing.

At night you finally had time to speak to kitty

"Kittyy ! I'm gonna miss you !" You said

"I'll too !"

"I'm gonna be so bored without you" would you ? I mean a weekend with MinHo ?

"You know what upu should do ?" You shook your head "you should totally do a small chuseok dinner at school ! For everyone who is staying at school !"

"That's a greay idea Kitty !"

After that you helped her pack some gifts for her family since she was going home, you then watched a movie and went to sleep.

The next morning when you woke up kitty was already gone aswell as your other roomies, so you got up and walked to the kitchen but stopped at your doorway the second you saw him and smiled lightly, there he was again

"So this is what you look like in the morning huh ?" MinHo said to you you looked up at him and nervously chuckled, he then walked up to you and kinda towered over you, only for him to then bend over and kissed your forehead, finally he took your hand and walked with you towards the chairs next to the counter, even though they were like 6 steps away from your doorway "so have you had any thought about my idea?"

"I have" you said and he raised his eyebrows at you "I am up for it, totally" he smiled

After that both of you had breakfast, then he want back to his dorm and you packed a bunch of stuff from your room so you could go to his.


A/N: I finally updated guys! Wait for the next chapter it's one of MinHo's internal monologues so you can see his pov :)
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Love ya <3

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