Over pt.1

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The next morning was the last day of break, you woke up, your battery had died so you just plugged your phone to charge it, you took a bath did your hair and put a cute outfit on, the weather was quite warm so you put on a cute dress and jewelry, and then watched tv waiting for MinHo to wake up, a few minutes later you heard his room door open so you turned to look at him

"Morning" you said smiling looking at a pretty sleepy MinHo

"Why you up so early?" He said lazily while walking over and sitting next to you

"Well, it's our last day of break so.." he nidded, give you a small peck on your lips and walked to his room to get ready

You didn't had much planned, Q and Kitty would be back today though, so maybe you would all go out to the mall or something, but before you wanted to have breakfast alone with MinHo.

Once Minho was ready you both walked out and headed to a cute cafe to have breakfast, you noticed he was wearing the same color you had on, which you thought was cute
You were almost out of the campus, but as you walked through the hallways you noticed people looking weirdly at you, maybe because you were holding hands with MinHo ?, 'maybe that just comes along being MinHo's girl' you thought to ease your mind, but you still felt weird because yesterday at dinner everyone was normal, some people even told you that you both looked good together you got some jealousy looks but today was different, it wasn't only weird for you, but Minho, he was confused why everyone was looking at you weirdly, he felt as such it wasn't a jealous look, but rather a pitty or confused, kinda look ? But he just took your hand and squeezed it for a second so you looked at him, you looked at his eyes you both smiled and walked away

Once you were at the cafe, you thought he was acting weird

"Earlier at school, was weird, right ?" You said

"Yeah" you nodded to his vague response

"Well who knows what that was all about" he nodded

After breakfast you head back to school, you noticed Minho checking his phone a lot, so you wondered if everything was right, especially with his mom because she had been calling him and texting a lot recently

"Is everything good with your mum ?" You didn't had any details about what was going on but you wanted him to know you cared

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be ?"

"You know she's been calling a lot, I just want you to know you have my support" you smiled and so did he

"Oh yeah, some stuff has been going on, but it's fine I fixed it" you just nodded

Once you got back to campus, you were back at his dorm and unplugged your phone, but still didn't checked it, because Q was back, you heard the front door that's how you knew, you put your phone down and walked out the room to greet him

"Q you're back !!! " you said happy as you hugged him tightly, he hugged you back, he seemed happy but a little confused

"Y/N I missed you" he said once you broke the hug, you smiled at him

"I have so much to tell you" you said happy wanting to tell him all about you and MinHo

"I bet you do!" He said laughing awkardly but you didn't wanted to give it to much thought "Kitty is back ! Didn't she texted you ?"

"Oh my battery is dead" you simply said and he nodded

"Yeah that explains a lot" he mumbled "MinHo can I talk to you ?"

Minho nodded

"Yeah, and I have to go meet Kitty !"

You walked towards MinHo give him a little kiss, and waved as you walked out the door

Once you were at your room you opened the door to see kitty, you noticed she seemed worried but you just walked to her and hugged her

"You're back !" You said and kitty nodded

"Y/N are you okay ?" She said worried

"Yeah why wouldn't I be ?" You asked confused

"Wait, have you checked your phone ?" She asked

"No why ?" Your smile faded

"Just check it..." She said looking down to her hands

"It's at MinHo's, my battery died"

"Well let's go get it girl !" She said awkwardly as an attempt to look normal "come on" she said walking out the door

You both walled to MinHo's awkwardly without saying anything, you didn't even knocked it seemed like MinHo and Q were fighting but when you opened the door they acted like everything was fine

"I forgot my phone" you simply said as you and kitty walked in, you walked inside MinHo's room, closed the door MinHo and Q stayed out in the living room and so you grabbed your phone, you got tons of notifications which was weird because you usually didn't had that many, you saw the text from Kitty, Florian, Dae, and Q all asking you if you were okay, but then you looked at kitty confused

"What happened ?" You asked her

"Go to instagram" she said shortly looking at your phone

You did as she told you, you just ghasped you felt betrayed as you looked at pictures of MinHo and Lulu outside of the campus aswell as screenshots of their conversations all over the media, and apparently lulu was also saying they were together, Kitty was looking concerned at you because everyone at kiss thought you were official or at least everyone who stayed over chuseok, you just walked towards the living room without saying a word to kitty, MinHo stood up from the couch and stood right infront of you

You felt your eyes watering "you lied to me" you said in disbelief looking up at him

"Wait y/n, let me explain" he said his voice breaking, you started walking out the room but turned back when you heard him

"I trusted you MinHo, and you lied right to my face, telling me that you were 'talking to your mom' " you scoffed and looked away " I I just can't-" you walked closer to him " I can't believe I let myself fall for you, I fell for ever single trait you have, I fell for the way you talk to me, for your beautiful smile, and your cocky personality, but sadly I also-" you could see his eyes watering, as well as yours " I also fell for all of your lies" you turned around and walked out of the dorm, kitty walking behind you once you got to your form and room you hugged her

"I'm so sorry y/n"

"It's okay, its my fault, I shouldn't have trusted him" you said wiping your tears and calming your sobs

"It is not your fault y/n, it's him, he is the issue" kitty said mad "come oon, you should be mad !" She said

You chuckled "I'm fine, I'll be okay" you said but you truly weren't fine, because you felt as such everything that happened this couple days, was a lie, you felt used, and to make matters worse media was also uploading pictures of you and MinHo together at KISS inventing all sorts of rumors so you just decided to not look at your phone for a while anymore


A/N: I hope you like this chapter ! Stay tunned for more dramaa do you think things will be easy to fix ? Is MinHo as guilty as y/n thinks ?
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