𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞

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Bae walked into the bathroom with the puppy on her arms then put it down gently on the floor.

" Stay right there, girl or boy-whatever gender you are " Bae said with an awkward tone then ran out of the bathroom. She opened some cabinets in the kitchen to find a big pail or something big for the pet to shower in.

30 seconds later, she held out a big dusty basin then ran back to the bathroom. She walked in and saw the puppy was sleeping peacefully on the floor. She stared at it in aww then clean the basin in the sink.

Then, the human girl put the basin on the floor and put the puppy in it. She grabbed the showerhead then the water was turned on. The puppy got startled by the water spraying on its fur but then Bae caressed the puppy again and it got relaxed by her touch.

As the girl was cleaning her new pet, she then realized that she has no dog shampoo. She looked around again then pulled out a hair shampoo. She squeezed some of the shampoo onto the puppy then bathed it once again.


After showering and drying the small puppy for at least 25 minutes, she brought the small canine to the living room. The human girl flopped on the couch and started snuggling the cute white animal that she's still holding.

" Oh my god, you're so soft, bud " she said. The puppy barked then licked her face again causing the owner to giggle.

While the human was chuckling away, she then remembered that she doesn't have any essentials for her adorable canine friend.

She looked at the puppy then sighed. " Well, I guess it's off to the pet store for us, hm " she said. The puppy barked again, waggled its tail then jumped out of the owner's hands.

Luckily, she landed on her feet safely. Bae giggled then got up from the couch and grabbed their extra key. The puppy followed her to the door then bumped into her legs.

The human looked down and the puppy tilted its head to look up. Bae picked up the cute canine then walked out the door and locked it.

" Hmm, I wonder if you're a girl or a boy " Bae said.


They both got back from the store with a cushion, a big bag of dog food, a dog bowl and a collar that doesn't have a tag on it. Bae was on a budget so she can't really buy a tag for the puppy for now. It's also bcuz she hadn't named it yet.

Anyways, they both got back with the essentials for the puppy then saw Haewon and Sullyoon on the couch, Lily's and Kyujin's heads
popped up behind the wall.

Bae frozed as she peeked behind the stuffs she bought while the puppy was casually walking around. They all quickly rushed to the human girl's direction then asked some questions.

" Where Have You Been, YOuNg LaDY??!! " Haewon shouted.

" You ok??!! " Lily asked.

" Did you know how many times we called you??!! " Sullyoon said.

" And where the heck you get these, unnie??!! " Kyujin said, pointing at the stuffs Bae's holding.

As the girl was about to speak, a barked just let out by the puppy. They all saw the small, cute, furry, white canine then squealed happily.

Bae squinted her eyes as she heard the girls' squealing over the puppy. " Yah, don't scare him " she scolded them.

" Or her " she continued her sentence. They all looked at her with a emotionless look.

" You seriously don't know that cute fluffy friend's gender, unnie?? " Kyujin asked. Bae casually nodded as she laid all the things on the kitchen counter.

Haewon hung her head low then sighed. " Ok, it's fine if you're being a dumbass that doesn't know what word called ' penis ' is " Haewon said with a bit of sarcasm.

Bae glared at her then tried her best to hold the puppy with her cup hands. She let it laid on its back then she looked if there's any sight of a penis around.

Not so surprisingly, she didn't see it, just a small hole that's located under the tail. She nodded as she was confirmed about the gender then glanced at the girls who were waiting patiently.

" It's a girl " Bae said.

They all gasped then squealed again. Bae rolled her eyes then the puppy jumped out of her hands and hid behind her legs. Bae looked down then chuckled at the puppy.

" Aww, you scared, girl " Bae said, carried the canine friend and caressing her fur until she falls asleep. The 4 girls looked at the adorable scene when the owner was caressing the puppy's fur in her arms.

" Oooo this is so ADORABLE " Haewon squealed.

" Yea, I'm gonna take a picture of this " Kyujin said, taking out her mobile then snapped a pic of them.

" Oh Oh, send it to me, Kyujin-yah " Lily said.

" And me " Sullyoon said.

" Yea, yea, yea, sure, sure, sure " the youngest replied then sent it to the others. They all kept on talking about how cute Bae was with the puppy in her arms.

Bae on the other hand, was very calm and relaxed by the softness of the puppy's fur. She grew a smile on her face without knowing but just staring at the puppy like she was her whole world.

Haewon looked up from her phone then saw Bae, smiling at the sleepy puppy. She then sneakily snapped a pic then sent it to the others.

" Unnie!!! " Kyujin called Bae. She turned her head to face the youngest.

" Yea?? "

" You smiled "

Bae looked at her with a weird look. " Yea, I smiled. So?? " Bae asked, still had the puppy in her arms.

" Bae, we've never seen you smiled in like years " Lily said.

Bae just shrugged then looked at puppy once again who's whimpering. The owner then tickled her belly and made a cute sound.

" OMG, ThIs iS Too ADoRAbLE " Lily said.

" I can't protest that " Sullyoon said.

" Tsk, take a pic then. Oh make sure to get my good side " Bae said jokingly then she walked back to her room.

" Wait!! You haven't named her yet!!! " Haewon yelled.

" I WILL THINK OF SOMETHING!! " Bae yelled back.

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