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"I can't be the only one annoyed at this right?"

In the dark room of the Creator Office, an Artist asked their Writer.

"Like, the amount of horrible Jaune-centric fanfics that pop up when I try to read RWBY fics are insane, it's actually fucking mental." They ranted, leaning back on their office chair and looking at the Writer with a very annoyed look.

"Like, can't there be more uh...I don't know, Yang-centric fics or even 'Any character that isn't Jaune'-centric fics? Can't there be more of that?"

The Writer only hummed in response, busy with giving another poor Creation an excessive amount of trauma.

"Why even bother with making Jaune the main character? I don't hate the guy, but why make him the center of attention when he's not really...interesting y'know?"


"Gngh...makes me wanna do this whole 'RWBY Reacts' myself..."

"Then do it." The Writer said, deciding to rip of the poor Creation's arm. "Nothing's really stopping you."


"I fucking love you so much Rose."

"I know Wilt, love you too."


A large portal rips through logic and space itself, spitting out a bunch of colorful and familiar people.


"Ow! My back!"



The first to rise up from the lump of tangled limbs is Ruby Rose, our protagonist. "Owie...what just happened?"

"I don't have the slightest clue." Responded Weiss, who managed to got up as well and is currently dusting off her dress. "Is this some sort of trap?"

"Whoever did this, they suck. My ass hurts." And here comes our resident jokester, Yang. She's currently helping the others up.

"Hey...this place kinda looks like a theater!" Ruby said, eyes wandering around the place they landed in. It indeed looked like a theater, with the many rows of seats and the big screen.

"Huh, it really does." Yang replied back, helping her partner to stand up on her feet. "Wonder what sort of trap this suppose to be."

"Ooh~! Are they gonna show us our super dark and scary secrets!?" Yelled out a very hyperactive ginger, Nora Valkyrie. The only reason why she hasn't dashed around the place is because of her good pal Lie Ren.

"Guh...sure hope not..." Jaune muttered, swiping off the dust sticking to his armor and pants. Unseen by everyone, Blake shuddered softly; she was the one with the most secrets here after all.

Suddenly, the large screen lit up.

"WELCOME TO THE MULTICENTER THEATER!" A loud voice boomed, causing everyone to flinch and get into a battle-ready pose.

"Who are you?" Blake asked, her hands wrapped around Gambol Shroud.


"Oh yeah? How can we know that for sure?" Yang cracked her knuckles, Ember Cecilia loaded up and ready to rock. "Better give us a good explanation or else we'll blow this place up."

"ALRIGHT, FINE!" The screen flickered before showing the face of a person. They seemed to be around 17 or older, with short messy brown hair and a chubby face. Dark brown eyes staring from behind the lens of glasses. They were dressed up in a simple black jacket and white t-shirt, the crew couldn't tell what else they were wearing since the screen only showed their top-half.

"Jeez! I wanted to make it all dramatic and stuff, but you threatened to wreck my theater! Shame on you!" They pouted, looking directly at the blonde who said that.

"Eh?" Was pretty much everyone's response.

"Okay okay! So listen, I made you guys come here to react to some things. That's all I want really, after we're done with this stuff I'll let you guys go home. Easy peasy!"

"That's...that's it?" Nora doubted, her hands still clenched around her precious hammer.

"Yeah! That's it! That's all I want!" They nodded, making a cross motion over their chest. "Cross my heart!"

"...Y'know what, let's give this a shot." Yang shrugged, flicking her gauntlets back in place.

"Wh- You cannot be serious! What if this is also a trap!?" Weiss yelled out, glaring at the blonde.

"Oh chill out Wiess-cream, highly doubt a kid would do anything sinister." Yang reassured casually, already flopping onto one of the seats. "Besides, I'm bored as hell anyways."

"Yeah! Yang's right!" Nora shouted, already seated. "Besides, we could just beat them up if they try anything funny!"

"Haha..." Said person laughed nervously.

Everyone else were a bit reluctant, but they were also seated a bit later. "Ooh, I wonder what they're gonna show us!" Ruby exclaimed excitedly, fidgeting in her seat.

"Well then!" The Artist cleared their throat. "LET THE SHOW BEGIN!"

The screen flashed, and the first clip began...

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