Chapter 3

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The day went by slowly. I could hardly do anything because I was new. They didn't want me doing surgery's, just in case I'm not prepared yet. And trust me, I'm not prepared! Just watching someone do a surgery was disgusting! I walked outside and found my car. I got inside and turned the keys. Before I could even back out of my parking space, I realized I had to text Jarrod. I looked at his number and typed it in.

Hey. It's Carly. -C

After a few seconds, I didn't get a reply. I decided to start driving. After about 20 minutes, I got home. I checked my phone and had a text.

Hey Carly. Ready for tonight? -J

Wow. We actually are going out tonight. And he reminded me of it!

Oh. We were serious? -C

Well duh. You don't want to? -J

I didn't mean to come off that way.

No, I do. A lot. -C

Haha. I knew you couldn't resist me. ;) -J

What was that supposed to mean? I can resist him. I can resist anybody! He must have something wrong with him! He doesn't even know me, yet he's acting like he does!

Um. I'll have you know I can resist everyone if I want to. Just come pick me up before I change my mind. My address is 339 Lunen Street. -C

I put my phone down after I sent that text. It has been a long day at work. I was all sweaty. I got in the shower. When I got out I put on a baby blue shirt and skinny jeans. I fixed my hair and did my makeup. I started to think. Why didn't Jarrod pick me up yet? I checked my phone. I had a text from Jarrod.

Okay. I'll be there at 6. -J

I looked at my clock. It was only 5:30. Wow. I had a lot of time. I finished getting ready. I put my deodorant on. After I was finished, I looked in the mirror. Looking good. Mama would be proud. Then I realized one of the reasons I was even going on this date. If I came home unsuccessful and with no information, I would be very disappointed in myself. I had to figure out who preformed my moms surgery as soon as possible. To pass the time, I turned my T.V on.

Next thing you know I hear a knock at my door. I quickly turn my T.V off. When I open the door, Jarrod is standing there, flowers in hand.

"These are for you m'lady," He says as he bows.

"Awe! What a gentleman!" I say, a bit of sarcasm in my voice. Who knew Jarrod would bring me flowers? I take the flowers out of his hands and smell them.

"They smell great!" I say. "Thank you,"

"No problem! I mean, anything for my future wife!" Jarrod winks.

"W-what?" I ask. What was he talking about 'Future Wife". Did he think I am going to marry him!? Jarrod starts laughing.

"It's just a joke, calm down. Now let's go." Jake walks off to the car. I follow him. Once the car starts, I hear my favorite song playing. I start singing.

"Cause Uptown funk gonna give it to ya! Saturday night and we in the spot, DONT BELIEVE ME JUST WATCH! COME ON!" I soon realize I'm dancing like a maniac and I am not alone in the car.

"Heh, sorry." I say.

"No problem. That was actually amazing, believe it or not." Jarrod starts laughing again.

I didn't say anything else. I was too embarrassed for any words to come out of my mouth. Wait a second. Where are we going?

"Hey Jarrod?"


"Where are we going exactly?"

Jarrod looks like he is thinking. "How does McDonalds sound?"

McDonalds!? He wanted to take me to McDonalds!? I actually love McDonalds. But going there for a date? It just didn't seem right. But k accepted anyways.

"Sure. And hey. Has anyone ever.. Well... Died.. At the hospital?" Jarrod stares into space for a few seconds.

"I'd rather not talk about it.." He says. What does he mean by that. Why wouldn't he want to talk about it?

"Okay. I see. It's fine."

"Carly.. There's some things that you shouldn't know on your first day.." Jarrod paused. "Maybe later I can tell you.. But just not now."

Something was making Jarrod nervous. I don't know what it was. I know my mom died there. If I got Jarrod to talk about that, then he could tell me who killed her.

I know. That sounds weird. Me saying a doctor killed my mother. But what else am I supposed to say? It's kind of true. My mother died there by a mistake in the surgery. Then he or she covered it up like it was nothing.

Jarrod finally pulled up to McDonalds. He got out of the car. Once we got in the restaraunt he said his first words after a while.

"Well, what do you want to eat?"

I stared at the menu for a while. "Uhh, I think I'll just have the Big Mac Meal. With large fries and a large cup. I also want that ice cream. I think it's called a Peanut Buster Parfait. I really hope I'm not using up a lot of your money."

"Calm down, I have enough," Jarrod says as he walks up to the counter. "Hello, I would like to order two Big Mac Meals with large fries and a large cup. Also a large Peanut Buster Parfait, please." Jarrod then turns to me. "I'm really glad we came here. I've been craving Big Macs for days."

I just smile at him. Once our food comes he picks it up and walks to a table. I follow him.

"Soo. Do you like your job?" I ask Jarrod.

"Yes. I love my job. I love helping people and saving lives." He answers.

"Thats a great attitude for the job you have! You couldn't have killed my mother." I say. Uh oh. I realized what had just slipped out of my mouth.

"Wait, what?" He asks.

"Oh. I said you couldn't have filled my brother. I dont know what it's really called. But they moved his skin to a different place. They messed it up, though." I lied. I couldn't tell him what I really said no matter what.

"Oh. You mean a skin graph? Wait a second.. Why didn't you know what it was called?"

I was almost caught. I felt defeated. I didn't know what to do.

"I just forgot it. I'm nervous and I have blanks sometimes." I say. That actually might have been true. I usually would know the term for things like that.

"Heh. Sooo... I make you nervous?"

Oh great. I realized what I got myself into now.

"No.. Yes.. I mean.. Just.." I stuttered. I didnt know what to say.

"It's okay. Just calm down." Jarrod started laughing. Soon after, I finished eating. I threw my stuff away.

"Want anything else?" Jarrod asked me.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." I actually wanted something to take home. I just didn't want to seem like a pig. 

"Okay. Let's go home." Jarrod said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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