Chapter Two

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*five years later*

I am still stuck on what happened with my mom. I have been ever since that day. I found a lot out, though. I talked to Nate, whose mom was a doctor. She said it was impossible for a tumor to grow big enough for you to die in just a few hours. So my mom had died from the surgery. There was no other way for her to die. The surgeon covered it up.

Knowing this, I swore to get my revenge. I would go to medical school, get a job at that hospital, find the doctor who preformed the surgery on my mom, and kill him. For four whole years I have been in medical school, working my butt off. What kept me going was my vowel. It took me a year to actually get a job at that hospital. Today would be my first day of starting. 

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. Now, I do understand I won't find the surgeon right on day one. I knew it would take me maybe a month or two. Maybe even more. I didnt cade. After everything I went through and everything I did to get where I am now, I'm not giving up.

Since I've never been there before, I don't have a doctors costume. I'm pretty sure they'll give me one when I get there, though. I get all of the stuff I need to take ready and lock my door. I get into my car. It took me about twenty minutes to drive from my house to the hospital. I got out of my car and stared at the hospital. It hasn't changed a bit since my mom came here. Outside, there was a statue of the man who owned the building and made it a hospital.

I knew that guy couldn't have been the man who preformed my moms surgery. I just had a feeling it wasn't.

I started to walk in the hospital. I went to the check-in counter and said "Hello, I am Carly Jenkins. I work here."

There was a man with short, blond hair. His eyes were blue.

"You do? I don't recall ever seeing you here," he says, suspicious.

"Oh, trust me. You've seen me here before." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Oh, I just said today is my first day working here. That's why you haven't ever seen me before."

"Oh, I see. Well, the boss has a good taste in women," the man at the counter said, smiling. After I didn't say anything for a minute, he says "Okay, I'll call the boss so you can get started."

I have nothing else to do, so I listen to the conversation. "Hello, yes. Your new worker is standing right here, she has arrived. Please hurry. We wouldn't want to keep a lady waiting. Okay, bye."

He hung up the phone. He stared at me. "So, Carly. Why'd you want to be a doctor?"

I had to think. I said whatever came to my head. "Oh, I just love helping people. So I thought, hey, doctors help people all the time! And this would be a great place for me to help people of all kinds." I felt accomplished. I said whatever came to my head, and still had a reasonable answer.

A few minutes later, two men come out of the elevator. "There she is!" One said. The other looked over and started walking my way.

"Carly Jenkins?"


"Hello, I am Joe Herdman. I am the owner of this hospital. And this is David Leer," he said, motioning to the man beside him.

Joe was about my size and chubby. He was bald and wore glasses. David was taller than me by about five inches. He wasn't skinny, but not fat either. He had brown hair just above his ears.

"It's very nice to meet you all." I say.

"Our head surgeon, Alex, was going to come to give you a tour, but he got caught up in work. He is always working. Trying to save peoples lives. You will meet him when he is finished, but for now, David here will give you your tour."

I looked at Joe, trying to decide if I should ask him if anyone had ever died here. "Hey Joe, has anyone ever died here?" I ask, finally making my decision. 

Joe stares at me and gives me the stank eye. "What makes you ask that?"

I knew I had probably made a mistake about asking personal questions like that on my first day. I'm guessing he wasn't going to tell me, so I gave up.

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering." And with that, David motioned for me to follow him.

After a while through the tour David started to talk. "There's some things I can't tell you right away. Like what has happened in the past. Boss man wouldn't like me telling you."

I got suspicious. "Like what?" I ask. David doesn't reply. He just takes me into a room.

"This is the break room. All doctors come here for break."

I look around and one man looks familiar. That man comes over and says "Tasha! Its me, Nate!" My mouth drops open.

"Nate! What are you doing here!?" I ask, surprised.

"I work here. I decided to take after my mother. Oh and sorry about your mo-"

I cut him off. "Okay, okay! It's fine! Just shush!"

Everyone in the room looked at me weird. I blushed, and I could tell I was blushing bad.

"So let's just get to work now," David says.

I don't reply. I just nod my head. David walks me out of the room. We walk into a room where a surgery is happening.

"Your job is to assist this surgeon. That means give him whatever he asks for," David says and then walks out of the room.

"H-hi." I say to the man.

"Shush! I need to concentrate. Scalpel."

I pick up the scalpel off of a cart and hand it to him. He starts cutting the man's head open. I got immediately disgusted at the sight. Even though I went to medical school, I still got disgusted. I watched the man's every move. He moved so delicate. He got the job done right. If only he did my mothers surgery. Then she might be alive today.

When the surgery was over, I went up to the man and said "Good job today."

He looked up and took off his mask, finally. His hair was down to his ears. It was brown. He had blue eyes, a perfect combination. He was cute!

"Thank you. What's your name?" He asks me.

"I'm Carly Jenkins. What's your name?"

"I'm Jarrod. Jarrod Felosky. I'm the big time surgeon around here."

Wow. If only he did the surgery on my mother. She might have been alive at this moment. I stared at Jarrod for a while.

"Well, I'm gonna go find another surgery to do." Jarrod said.

"No! I-I mean I just wanna talk a little..." I was surprised at my sudden outburst.

"Ugh. Here. Take this. We can discuss this later. Maybe even over dinner?" Jarrod gave me a piece of paper that had eight numbers on it. It was him number.

"If you're asking, I would love to go to dinner with you. Goodbye, though." I said, smiling.

Jarrod smiled and walked away. This was great. Not only was I going on a date with a cute guy, I was also probably going to get information that could lead me to who did my mother's surgery!

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