Chapter 5: The suspects

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3rd person Pov:

Seungmin arrived to the main hall, seeing everyone gathered in front of something. He took a look and he couldn't believe his eyes.

A very familiar body was lying on the floor dead. Her face was pale resalting the blood on her opened in half stomach.

Y/N came closer to take a better look. Jeongin tried to pull her back but she was coming closer to the body. No one dared to say a word. They were looking at the scene with panic in their eyes.

Lana was pushing everyone in the crowd to see what was happening. Miriam was following her. She pushed Seungmin harder on purpose, sticking out her tongue to him. Her face went from disgusted to panicked. She was too stunned to speak seeing her friend laying on the floor dead. Of all of the things in the world she didn't expected this. Her eyes lifted up over to Y/N and Jeongin, who was behind her, both with pity writed in their faces looking at Kim. Lana was full of anger as she saw them so close to her, now, dead friend. How dare they get so close to her? Do they find it funny?

Without thinking, she went over to them and pushed Y/N hard. Jeongin tried to caught her but failed. Monique and Seungmin came over to help her.

Jeongin: What is your problem?*he said as he helped her up. All of them very confused*

Lana: That the murderer's friend is standing next to Kim.* She turned to Seungmin* You killed her didn't you?* Hyunjin appeared stepping between them*

Hyunjin: Shut up your mouth if you're only going to talk bullshit.*Seungmin was surprised Hyunjin didn't talk to him for weeks and he suddenly appeared to defend him. He was happy but mostly confused. Why would he do that after ignoring him? It made no sense*

Lana: It's true maybe i'm wrong and you killed her slut! Peace of sh-*Before she could finish the teachers arrived making her shut up*

Director: Lana, what's with that behaviour?

Lana: I'm sorry Mr. Park. I was mad and I didn't thought before I spoke. But I think either Seungmin or Hyunjin did it.

Director: Well, everyone is innocent until we prove them guilty.

Director: Okey. Now everyone should leave. This is a crime scene and students out of the crime don't need to know about this.

Hyunjin left fast, Seungmin chasing him.

Seungmin: Hyunjin wait!*He was fast but Hyunjin was faster. He continued to call him Hyunjin ignoring him. He reached Hyunjin's hand looking worriedly at him*Hyunj-

Hyunjin: Seungmin, please. Leave me alone. It's for your best.

Seungmin: I can take care of myself and you shouldn't choose for me. I can choose who I want and who I don't want in my life.

There was a big awkward silence none of them spoke. Seungmin looking desperately at Hyunjin, him looking at the floor. He lifted his head up looking at Seungmin. Their eyes met. Now, they are looking at each other as there was nothing else in the world, as if their lives depend on it. They missed each other this few weeks and it was obvious.

Hyunjin's gaze slowly followed to Seungmins lips. Lips that he has dreamed of kissing more than once. Lips that can make his hole body scream if he feels them touch his soft skin.  They both came closer and closer subcontinently. Their lips were about to touch but...

Chan: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt anything but Mr. Park wants to see both of you.

They both agreed with a small hum and follow Chan to the director's office. It was obvious why he called them, Lana. She hated them and one of her friends got killed. It was obvious she was going to blame them. I mean... They hate her too and have the right to do so. She has been  bullying them since day one but... they wouldn't kill her or her friends, right?

THE LEE FAMILY•a stray kids Yang Jeongin ff• Hogwarts AuWhere stories live. Discover now