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Kians POV
I woke up and I was in a hospital bed, and I was wondering how I got here and what happened to me, I ripped the cords off of me and got up and started walking down to the receptionist and asked what happened to me, she said I got shot in the lower abdomen area and that I should rest for a couple of days to let it heal

Macks POV
Jc and I started walking all over the hospital trying to look for Kian and eventually we found him at the receptionist.

"Kian! What are are you doing?!?!?" I asked worriedly even though I know he doesn't know who I am.

"I'm trying to figure out what happened to me and why I'm here, and who you are, cause frankly your really creeping me out right now because I don't know you and I don't know how you know me so just please leave me alone" he said.

I couldn't take it anymore, the love of my life doesn't even know who I am. I started running out the door before anyone could stop me.

I kept running until I broke down and just started bawling letting out all of my emotions that I've been keeping bundled up inside of me, my dad, Ki-- someone cut me off of all of my thoughts.

It was a boy with brownish hair a lip ring and looked about 16

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked

"Yeah I'm fine, really I'm fine." I said hoping he would go away

"Really what happened?" He asked

I sighed and just decided to tell him
"Wow I'm so sorry that happened to you"he said.

"Thanks, I never caught your name." I said.

"Sam, Sam Pottorff" he said

"I'm Mackenzie, Mackenzie Caylen but you can call me Mack" I said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Mack. I hope we can keep in touch." He says.

"Well to insure that I'll give you my number." I type my number into his phone

We exchanged numbers and went our own ways
When I got back home Jc freaked out and ran up to me

"MACK!!!!!! Where were you!?!?!?" He practically screamed

"Geez, calm the heck down. I ran out of the hospital and sat down somewhere and met someone" I blushed

"Wait! What are you talking about you "met" someone! I thought you were dating Kian?" He asked

"No I'm not dating Kian, he doesn't even know who I am right now and probably will never remember who I am! What's the point of waiting around for him to remember who I am when that could take years!!!!! and don't you dare tell me that I can help him remember me because I'm not going to even try!!!!" I screamed

I was sick of it, sick of all of it, all the fighting, screaming, and drama, EVERYTHING!!!!!!

I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.
It's been 2 days, 2 days since Kian came out of the hospital, 2 days since I met Sam, 2 days since the love of my life forgot m--- GOD MACK YOU NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM ITS JUST GOING TO MAKE IT WORSE!!!!

I need to text Sam

S: Sam
M: Mack

M: Hey Sam its Mack, I just really need someone to talk to, if you can could you possibly come over???

S: Hey Mack!! Yeah sure! What's your address????

M: (insert address here)

S: Thanks! I'll be over soon!!!

While I was waiting for Sam I started watching PLL (Pretty Little Liars) cause it's bæ and I can't live without it. I was half way into Season 6 Episode 3 when the doorbell rang, I turned off my computer and ran down stairs to answer the door but before I could get there Jc had already answered it.

"Hey Sam!!!" I said

"Hey Mack!!" He said

"Oh so this is the infamous Sam huh?" Jc sassed

"Jc!?!?!?! You don't need to be so rude to him!!!!" I screamed "C'mon Sam" I said

I started leading the way upstairs to my bedroom.

When we got in my bedroom Sam asked,

"Okay, so what's wrong?" He asked

"Everything, everything seems to be going wrong, Kian doesn't even know who I am anymore, Jc is pissed at me, my mom is barely ever home. I just don't what to do and I need someone to be there for me." I said

"Well, umm, I could be there for you." he said

"Awww, Sam would you really???" I asked

"Yeah, yeah I will, if no body else is going to stand up and help you then I will!" He said

I couldn't help my self I leaned over and kissed him

"Umm this is awkward but I have a girlfriend, when I said be there for you I didn't mean like that, I'm sorry Mack but I've gotta go. See ya later" and with that he was gone
Hey guys!!!!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a while but I just haven't had the time or the app, lol but anyways I hope you enjoyed the longer chapter that I've made and will now be posting a new chapter every MONDAY so I don't just post on random days or forget about posting a chapter!!!


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