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It's only mere minutes before a black and glitchy portal opens up once more, and Miguel steps out, immediately finding me back at the window after deciding I was bored of looking at the wall, left alone with my thoughts.

He doesn't yell for me to come back; instead, he walks over to my form, stopping when he's behind me. "y/n..."

I don't look back; I feel bad enough as it is for what I said earlier. Honestly, I can't say I didn't mean it, but I don't think my new universe is bad by any means.

Plenty of people are here that I love, and I couldn't imagine living without them, but the pit in my stomach is always the same. I'm missing a big part of me, a part of me I'll never get back.

"Miguel," I mumble in return, watching people in the streets below walk around, unaware that humans outside of their universe are stationed in an apartment right under their noses.

He walks next to me now, stopping to look out the window. "Oh por el amor de Dios. y/n, I'm... sorry. I should've chosen my words better."
*Oh for God's sake*

I know he's conflicted when he whispers Spanish to himself, and I give him the benefit of the doubt by making eye contact. "It's fine, I shouldn't be running around making more work for you."

The mission is simple, he'll wanna listen to me if we keep this up.

This heartfelt moment is fake between both of us, I just know it is. Miguel just wants me back in my apartment, behaving so he doesn't have to go out of his way. I just need him to hear me out, so I can go back to living peacefully without being bothered by spider people.

"Get down," Miguel mutters suddenly, interrupting my thoughts, his voice back to its gravelly deep state.


"I said get down!" He pulls me into his arms and ducks away just as something flies through the window of the apartment, crashing into the walls behind us, dust erupting from the impact.

Miguel and I fall onto the floor, and I wince as my arm smashes against the wood, my shoulder immediately beginning to burn.

"Mierda," The man holding me hissed, his arms tightening around me if only slightly, and I can't fight against how safe it felt despite the terrible situation. "Stay put. Please."

The way his tone changed stuck me in my spot. The way he begged with one simple word. "Yeah. I'll be here."

God that wasn't a proper response, I've gotta get my head back on straight.

Miguel unwraps his arms from me to get up, and I asses the room quickly, much like I did when I got here.

Instead of the barren space it once was, all I see is dust and rubble from where the attacker hit the wall and broke the window.

I'm scared. I feel the fear slithering up from my toes to my head, despite Miguel putting a barrier between me and the villain. I've only been in a situation like this once, and I lost my entire world to a psychopath, strangely enough me and Miguel were in the same situation.

From the rubble, I watch with focus as the person walks out from the destruction, and my eyes bulge out of my head. I can only imagine what Miguel was thinking when he himself walked out from the ruin.

Except this universes Miguel was scarred all over, his hair longer and pulled into a bun, but they wore the same suit shockingly enough. Though I'm guessing his suit is not representative of a hero in this universe.

Miguel groans. "You've gotta be kidding me."

. . .

I work from 3 until 10 today :(


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