Part One - Scheming

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Kurt had just dropped down on his bed after a long day when he received a call from a very unexpected person.
     "Hi, Kurt," a familiar voice said on the other line. "I heard what happened and I just wanted to hear how you're doing?"
     Kurt couldn't believe his ears. Was Sebastian Smythe really asking him how he was doing? It was surreal, so he broke into laughter. For the first time since Blaine cheated on him.
     "You're seriously asking me that? Wasn't this your goal all along? To break Blaine and have him cheating on me?" Kurt asked once he was over the initial surprise.
     "He cheated on you?" Sebastian asked, as if he didn't know, which surprised Kurt further. "I only heard that you guys broke up because he was moping and we tried to recruit him back to Dalton, but it didn't work of course."
     Blaine had considered transferring back out of guilt? Kurt let out a sigh. "I thought you'd be the first to know since I assumed it was you, but according to him it was just some random guy." he explained and felt a sting of hurt at the reminder.
      "Ouch, that's a blow to both of us." Sebastian said and let out a snort kind of laugh, that sent a weird warmth through Kurt.
     Never in my life did I imagine feeling better by talking to Sebastian about the break up
     "Do you want to get back at him?" Sebastian asked before Kurt got a chance to speak.
    The sensible thing would be to say no, since revenge wasn't Kurt's thing, but he felt intrigued to hear Sebastian's evil pitch and asked "How?"
     "Dear sweet Kurt," Sebastian said, resulting in Kurt's heart skipping a beat. "Do you really have to ask me that?" The meerkat smirk could practically be heard through the phone.
     "No chance, Sebastian, I'm not gonna sleep with you to get revenge. I'm not that desperate." Kurt said because he didn't need to be a genius to know that's what Sebastian meant.
      "Oh come on, it would be fun," Sebastian said and the playful tone in his voice sent a jolt through Kurt. "Just imagine how much Blaine would regret cheating on you when he finds out that you got over him by getting under me."
     Kurt couldn't help but feeling offended by that remark. "Hey, who said I'd be under you?"
     "You're a top?" Sebastian sounded surprised, which made Kurt feel proud and his pajama pants suddenly felt tighter. Because of Sebastian bloody Smythe.
     "Usually yes." he replied while tapping restlessly on the bed to make his stupid erection go away.     
     "That's hot," Sebastian said, not helping Kurt with his issue at all. "But it doesn't really matter, we just have to start sleeping together and get caught by someone who'd rat us out to Blaine and voila."
     Sebastian's plan sounded very simple and extremely tempting. "When can you be in New York?" Kurt asked, glancing at his growing erection.  
      "That's up to you," Sebastian replied. "But if I take a flight on Friday I can stay the whole weekend."
     That sounded very tempting after years of scheduling make out sessions and planning every date night.
     "I'm in." Kurt practically moaned and finally brushed a hand against the hardness between his legs.
     "If you can wait that long." Sebastian stated in amusement and a heavy blush crossed Kurt's face. Was it that obvious that I was horny?
     "Please, I've been without sex for months, I can wait two more days." Kurt replied with a fake confidence because he wasn't so sure when he pulled his hand back from his crotch.
     "Great, see you then." Sebastian said, the excitement in his voice proved he was just as eager.
     "Goodnight Sebastian." Kurt said and his heart jumped at the thought of saying it to Sebastian's face in a few nights.
     "Goodnight, Kurt dear," Sebastian said with a low, horny voice. "Have fun thinking about me when you jerk off tonight."
     Then the bastard hung up, leaving Kurt gasping at the dirty words. But he soon gathered himself and smiled at what just happened.
      For once in his life he had agreed to do something crazy and outrageous. Sleeping with Sebastian Smythe to show Blaine what he lost.
     In a hurry he got out of bed and snuck into the bathroom to masturbate away the stupid hard-on. The whole time he pictured Sebastian's hands and his piercing green eyes and the way he called him "Kurt dear" or "dear sweet Kurt."
     It only took a few strokes before he came into his palm, trying not to moan the criminal chipmunk's name.
    As soon as he had cleaned himself up and grabbed clean boxers to go with the black t-shirt he returned to bed and fell asleep instantly. With a smile on his face, peaceful for the first time in months.

Author's note: there will be smut in the next part.

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