Part Two - Hooking up

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Warning for mature content in this part.

Two days had never felt so long. When the Friday finally came Kurt hurried home after the last class and took a shower before he got dressed in tight designer pants, a light blue shirt that brought out his eyes and a matching tie.
     As he was standing in front of the mirror, styling his hair, Kurt was filled up with anticipation and couldn't wait to see Sebastian. Thankfully Rachel & Santana would be out of their way because he had sent them to an awful Broadway show. Okay, that might've been Sebastian's idea.
     When the door bell rang, Kurt's heart nearly jumped out of his chest because he hadn't seen Sebastian in so long. He practically ran to open the door.
     "Hi Kurt," Sebastian greeted with a smile. "Have you missed me?"
     The cocky attitude and the same old Warbler outfit caused Kurt to sigh. "Do you own anything else?" he asked in frustration and gestured at the familiar blazer.
      "Of course, but I know what a thing you have for Warblers, so this is more fun." Sebastian said with a wink as he entered the apartment and closed the door while Kurt rolled his eyes.
     "I just don't want any reminders of Blaine tonight." he sighed without looking at his date.
     "Then don't think about him," Sebastian said, as if it was that easy. "He didn't think about you when he slept with some random guy."
      Kurt let out another sigh, after all that was why Sebastian came to see him in the first place. "You're right. Let's have our revenge." he said and claimed Sebastian's mouth in a fiery first kiss, pinning the smirky meerkat against the door.
     It felt nice to be in charge with someone who responded with the same hunger. Sebastian's lips were just as soft and salty as Kurt had imagined.
     Warm hands held onto Kurt's hips and it didn't take long before Sebastian's tongue had slipped into his mouth, causing him to moan.
     "Am I a better kisser?" Sebastian asked with a smile against Kurt's lips.
     "Shut up." Kurt said and silenced the smirky meerkat by kissing him again.
    Without wasting time building up to it, Kurt shoved his tongue into Sebastian's mouth and drove a hand into his obnoxious CW hair.
      At the same time their hands started roaming each other's bodies, giving Kurt a sudden impulse to wrap his legs around Sebastian's hips.
     "If you want me to pick you up just say so." Sebastian said, grinning against Kurt's mouth before ripping his shirt open.
     "Hey, that's a designer shirt." Kurt whined when a few buttons fell to the floor.
     "You won't be needing it anymore." Sebastian said and captured Kurt's lips in a softer kiss while Kurt wrapped his arms around Sebastian's neck.
     Never in his life did Kurt think that he'd be so excited to get picked up by Sebastian Smythe. But as he wrapped his legs around steady hips, he'd never been more aroused.
     "Your bed or the couch?" Sebastian asked when their lips parted for a moment.
    "Bed." Kurt answered in excitement and pointed in the direction of his bedroom because he was painfully hard and wanted to be fucked.
    A feeling he never felt with Blaine, even though he loved him and being with him was always nice. But there was no sparks, fueled by years of insults and tension.
     "Finally." Sebastian chuckled and carried Kurt into the bedroom to drop him onto the bed.
     "Help me get these bloody pants off." Kurt said and flipped the button to take them off halfway, making it easier for Sebastian to pull them down.
     "You do have a dick after all." Sebastian said, making fun of Kurt's femininity like old times, once the evident bulge in Kurt's boxer briefs was visible. But he was too horny to care.
     "Why don't you put your mouth to better use and suck it?" he asked instead, but had no idea where his dirty words came from. He never dared to talk dirty to Blaine when they were together. Always too afraid of ruining the picture of the sweet boy who needed rescuing.
     "As long as you return the favor afterwards." Sebastian said with a wink and slipped down between Kurt's legs, causing his heart to skip several beats.
     Almost immediately Sebastian had pulled Kurt's underwear down and taken the leaking tip into his mouth.
     "Fuck, Sebastian." Kurt moaned and nestled his fingers into Sebastian's soft hair while the Warbler took in more and more of his aching member.
     Suddenly Kurt understood why Sebastian used to get laid so often, despite his nasty behavior. The criminal chipmunk knew exactly how to lick and suck to make Kurt arch up from the bed in pleasure.
     "Pleasure." Had escaped Kurt the first time he laid eyes on Sebastian and now here they were, moaning at the same time.
      "God, you're bigger than I expected and you taste amazing." Sebastian said as he pulled back, causing Kurt to groan in disappointment.
     "Why did you stop?" he whined while Sebastian was busy taking his blazer off followed by the shirt and the tie.
     "Because it's my turn." the smirky meerkat replied and squeezed himself through his pants, making Kurt's eyes widen further.
     "Come here then." he said and brought Sebastian up for another heated kiss. Kurt could taste his own pre-cum on the other man's lips before flipping their positions so Sebastian was under him.
     "Imagine if your roommates came back now to find you on top of me." Sebastian said with a wicked grin.
     "They wouldn't believe their eyes." Kurt said and let out a chuckle before he laid down between Sebastian's spread legs to pull down the Warbler pants and boxer shorts in one quick move.
     Usually, Kurt would hesitate or take his time to pepper kisses to build up to the best part. But not with Sebastian. He knew he didn't have to be gentle, so he instantly closed his eyes and started twirling his tongue around the tip of Sebastian's hard dick before moving on to take in all of it.
     All the insults in the past made Kurt want to prove himself, so he placed Sebastian's legs over his shoulders and started bobbing his head up and down while stroking gently. Until the smirky meerkat was writhing and moaning thanks to his treatment.
     When Sebastian was on the edge with fingers buried deep inside Kurt's hair, he pulled back and smiled up at the more experienced lover. "This is fun, we should've done this instead of fighting." he said and crawled up on the lacrosse-fit teenager.
     "I wasn't the one who started it. You said you didn't like me." Sebastian pointed out with a sad pout.
     "Who said I do now?" Kurt asked teasingly before attacking Sebastian's neck with open mouthed kisses.
     "For your information I still don't like you either because you haven't shown me what a good little top you are." Sebastian said and sent chills over Kurt, forcing him to look up and meet lust filled green eyes.
     "I've changed my mind," Kurt sighed. "I want you to top me because Blaine never did."
     The moment the words left his mouth Kurt squeezed his eyes shut. I wasn't suppose to mention him in bed. God, now I've ruined everything.
     "Why didn't you say so?" Sebastian asked, grinning when Kurt opened his eyes. "I've been wanting to fuck you since Scandals."
     All Kurt could do was to stare at Sebastian in surprise, his mouth open wide. "You have?"
     Sebastian nodded. "You thought I was interested in Blaine, but it was your ass I stared at all night." he said, flashing Kurt a wicked smirk.
     How did I never see that? "Wait, you actually wanted to sleep with me since we first met?" Kurt asked, not believing his ears.
     "Yes, so can we finally do it now?" Sebastian wondered, voice full of sexual frustration before he claimed Kurt's mouth in a passionate kiss.
     While Sebastian explored Kurt's mouth, Kurt ran his hands down Sebastian's abs and stopped to twirl his nipples.
     "Turn over so I can prepare you." Sebastian said and Kurt eagerly did as he was told. It was hot to be bossed around in bed and he felt harder. If that was possible.
     Once he was lying on his stomach, Sebastian placed himself between Kurt's legs to prepare his hole and it was the hottest experience of Kurt's life.
     Sebastian did wonders with his tongue, practically fucking Kurt with it, making him gasp and grab at the pillows for something to squeeze.
     "Oh god, I need you in me now." he moaned, probably too loudly, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
     "No need to get impatient, Kurt dear." Sebastian said and grabbed the lube on the nightstand to slick himself up before slowly pushing inside.
     Another hot wave washed over Kurt as Sebastian slid deeper and deeper into him, making him groan.
     "God, you're so tight." Sebastian moaned, pushing in further until he was fully seated. "But you like it, don't you?" Sebastian said, more as a comment of the obvious because Kurt already needed more.
     The whole thing was mind blowing when Sebastian started hitting the right spot inside him.
    "Oh my gosh!" Kurt gasped out loud.
     "Yes, scream for it." Sebastian said and gave Kurt's shoulder a quick bite before slamming back into him.
     Another broken cry of pleasure escaped Kurt's throat. "Go faster." he begged while meeting Sebastian's thrusts.
     "So demanding, that's probably why Blaine cheated on you." Sebastian said, forcing Kurt to still for a moment, but he knew Sebastian just enjoyed to torture him as always.
     "But not with you because you're a dick." Kurt said, earning a forceful thrust that made him cry out.
     "You love my dick." Sebastian said while pulling out only to slam back in.
     At the same time Kurt started humping his neglected cock against the bed every time Sebastian hit his prostrate. It was magical.
     "Fill me up." Kurt moaned, on the brink of orgasm.
     "Oh fuck yes," Sebastian groaned and picked up his pace. "I want to be the first to cum in you."
     Kurt moaned at the words and continued to meet the smirky meerkat's delicious thrusting. Until they stopped and Sebastian started shaking as he spilled his load inside Kurt.
     It took maybe two seconds for Kurt to fall over the edge as well. He came untouched into the sheets, panting heavily while Sebastian pulled out of him.
     "Damn, that was hot." Sebastian sighed mixed with a chuckle, dropping down as Kurt turned over on his back to avoid the mess he just made.
     "It was," Kurt chuckled in agreement. "But you should take a shower before my roommates comes home and I need to change the sheets."
Once they had cleaned themselves up and changed the sheets, Sebastian crawled back into bed while Kurt watched him with a smile.
     "Did you ever think that you'd borrow my clothes back when you used to mock me for my great fashion sense?" Kurt asked as he joined the smirky meerkat, who was dressed in one of his oversized t-shirts and baggy shorts. While Kurt himself was wearing a blue t-shirt and striped pajama pants.
     "Never," Sebastian replied and pulled Kurt closer. "But I never thought I'd spend a weekend with you either."
     A blissful smile crossed Kurt's face. "Did you really mean what you said before? That you wanted me the whole time?" he asked and entangled his fingers with Sebastian's.
     "Why else would I be here?" Sebastian asked in return.
     "To get back at Blaine for choosing a random hook up to cheat with instead of you." Kurt said without meeting Sebastian's beautiful green eyes.
     "You might not believe me, but I got bored chasing him very quickly," Sebastian said and brushed his free hand against Kurt's flushed cheek. "I only kept flirting with him to wind you up because it was more fun."
     Kurt sighed while shaking his head. "Normal people hit on the person they do want, Sebastian." he said, causing Sebastian to break into a melodic laugh.
     "Did you want me to hit on you instead?" Sebastian asked with his most smirky meerkat smile, sending a warm rush over Kurt.
     "Maybe," he said while his cheeks heated up further. "I mean you see how long this took us now."
     A wider grin grew on Sebastian's face. "Are you telling me that you wanted me the whole time too, Kurt dear?" he wondered with a raised eyebrow.
     The already familiar nickname sent another warm feeling through Kurt, but he didn't want to answer the question. Even though he might've thought about Sebastian once or twice in the past.
     Instead he tossed his arms around Sebastian's neck and leaned in for a kiss that Sebastian immediately deepened until Kurt broke it.
     "Yes," he replied breathlessly a few inches from Sebastian's lips. "God, I hated you because I wanted you."
     It felt so good to finally admit his deeply hidden secret, especially when it earned him a usual smirk from Sebastian. "We could always have hate sex now since we missed out on it then."
     The insane idea sent a jolt of want through Kurt and he couldn't resist pulling Sebastian in for another heated kiss.
     But just when he had moved on to straddle his lover, still without parting their hungry mouths, the front door opened.
     "Kurt, the show sucked so we left after the first act." Rachel shouted from the living room.
    "Explain yourself." Santana said as she showed up in the door to Kurt's room, but was startled when Kurt rolled off Sebastian in panic, but not soon enough.
     "Perfect timing." Sebastian said, still smiling while Kurt wanted to disappear.

Author's note: the last two parts comes up tomorrow. I hope fellow Kurtbastian shippers like the story.

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