Better Than Revenge

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The following morning Kurt woke up well rested in Sebastian's arms and a smile crossed his face at the sight of them being completely intertwined.
    Their legs were joined under the covers and Kurt could feel Sebastian's morning wood against his thigh. Which sent a rush down to his own crotch.
    Did Blaine ever even react like that? Sure, the cuddles and sex was nice and they loved each other. But the powerful urge to get dirty wasn't there.
     Without realizing what he was doing, Kurt started to rub against Sebastian until green eyes fluttered open and realized what he was doing.
     "What a sight to wake up to." Sebastian said with a hoarse morning voice, a grin twitching at his lips.
     Kurt instantly stilled, cheeks flushing red at being caught humping. "Good morning." he said without properly meeting Sebastian's glimmering green eyes.
     "You don't have to stop," Sebastian sighed and ran a hand up under Kurt's t-shirt. "But wasn't it you who said we should talk to Blaine before we resume our sexy weekend?"
     Guilt washed over Kurt because he'd been swept up in Sebastian's mischievous world and they really should talk to Blaine. But he was uncomfortably hard, resulting in a deep sigh. "Yes, but that was before I woke up with your hardness against my leg."
     A wicked grin crossed Sebastian's face. "Well, if we talk to him we can book a hotel room and have guilt free sex for the rest of the weekend."
     The suggestion made Kurt's eyes light up. "That sounds much better than revenge." he said with a blissful sigh.
    "I know right? I'm always full of good ideas." Sebastian said proudly, causing Kurt to roll his eyes.
     "Don't get too cocky, Smythe. I can still dislike you again." Kurt warned, pointing a finger at the smirky meerkat.
    "So you're saying that you like me now?" Sebastian asked with a raised eyebrow, leaning in so their lips almost touched.
    "I'm starting to." Kurt responded with a teasing smile before he captured Sebastian's lips in a passionate kiss.

The end. For now. Unless you guys want me to write more parts? Either way I hope you've enjoyed this little first Kurtbastian fic of mine. Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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