Chapter 2 - Revolting revelations

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Warning there is rape / mention of rape in this chapter this is probably going to be the last Warning I plan on making this work of fiction with a dark theme soooo~ yeah

As soon as Harry walks into the station, he stops fully bracing himself for the pain of the remaining way to the train so as to not let anyone find out he is injured. As he walks towards the platforms 9 and 10 focusing solely on not limping, he doesn't notice someone eyeing him in curiosity.

After what felt like hours to Harry he finally reached the Hogwarts Express.

Another perceived eternity later he is seated in an empty compartment making himself as small as possible, sitting while hugging his legs to his chest dozing off.

'I hope no one will find me – just leave me alone – my filthy self doesn't deserve the attention'

As if Lady Fate was laughing at him the door of the compartment slams open and reveals bushy brown hair "Harry!! Where were you? We searched the platform for you and now even the whole train! What were you thinking not waiting for us?!" Hermione nearly screeched by the end.

Shocked by the sudden entrance Harry couldn't help but answer "I... I'm sorry 'Mione... my uncle was adamant to bring me here as early as possible... I didn't want to wait for hours outsi...."

"I can't believe it! That was careless of you!... Do you even know what could have happened to you outside for hours?" Hermione burst out looking annoyed but soon loosens up now looking concerned.

Not answering anymore Harry looks at Hermione like a deer caught in the headlights and notices Ron just then standing in the compartment door behind Hermione.

"Y'know mate, what 'Mione meant was that we were concerned about you, we were worried Mate -" Ron clears the weird tension.

Just like that they sat down in the compartment and after a few rounds of Exploding Snap that felt more like an obligation than a fun game the three keep silent and just ignore each other.

After a few hours they change into their school robes and Harry ties his invisibility cloak underneath, perfectly hiding it from sight. He wonders why he did it but doesn't get to an answer before the door suddenly gets thrown open again effectively silencing his thoughts almost triggering his fight or flight reflex.

As he turned towards the door, he just sees a head of long ginger hair before the person it belongs to comes rushing at him trapping him in an unwanted hug.

"Harryyy~ I missed you sooo much~" Ginny chimed trying to sound sensual.

The second she touched Harry for the hug said wizard froze trying to remain in control of himself, pain cursing through his body. After a bit the stiffness loosens a bit and he starts to breathe again. Shallow, irregular breaths entering his body as his mind fights a battle to remain conscious.

Forcing himself to breathe somewhat normal he excuses himself in a rush making up a reason of stomach cramps to leave the situation and lock himself into the restroom of the train.

Bursting out of the compartment, he doesn't know where to go, his vision slowly darkening to the point he almost can't see he just races to the left. Tears starting to catch in his eyes threatening to fall. Breathing – does he know how to breathe? He feels as if someone is holding his throat choking him. The only breathing he manages are short, shallow and fast breaths that make him feel even more disoriented.

Feeling his way past the other compartments he finds a door that feels different and takes his chances, entering the door and locking it behind himself before falling to the ground. No longer able to keep the tears at bay he curls his body so he is hugging his legs. He was still hyperventilating and shivering due to the stress but none of that registers anymore as all he sees isn't the blackness that creeped itself over his vision but all the things his uncle has done to him over the past months.

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